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"Look forward to it! I've devoted my past 30 years to the job of serving! I won't lose against a youngster's stomach, so eat to your heart's content!" She tells us.


We all sit at the dining room table and dig into the feast laid out before us, Luffy eating with gusto since he hasn't eaten in three days and the rest of us aren't any better, and I drink too behind Chopper's back as I sit between Usopp and Zoro. "Eat quick, or it'll be gone!" Zoro yells as Luffy stretches his arms out, picking up Zoro and Usopp's food before stuffing his face.

"Hey, Luffy! You just took the food from my plate, didn't you?!" Usopp demands though Luffy shakes his head, denying the claim.

"You liar!" Nami snaps, punching him in his inflated cheek, making him spit some food out.

"Hey, hey, if you eat in a hurry like that, you'll..." Sanji warns Chopper as he shovels in the pasta dish.

"We've got a lot, so..." Vivi tells us, offering more food as more servers arrive with new dishes.

"Well then, wait and see, Luffy. I'll put the Tabasco Star on this." Usopp mutters to himself as he places the hot sauce on the rice ball on his plate, and as predicted, Luffy grabs it stuffing it into his mouth before fanning his burning mouth. I giggle, as does Usopp, who shrieks, and I see Eyelash joining us at the table between Usopp and Karoo. "Hey! When did you...?!"

"What do you call that dish?" Sanji asks the server as he places another dish down.

"This is called konafa. You bake noodles in the oven and..." He begins telling him.

"Delicious!" I beam as I chew on one of the dishes.

"Now, here's more!" The servers put more food on the table, and Luffy continues to stuff his face, and he tries to talk to King Cobra.

"W-well... We can talk after the dinner." Cobra tells him politely, and Luffy quickly stuffs his face.

"Can I have another mug full?!" Zoro demands, and I raise my mug after finishing off the wine.

"Me too!" I yell.

"Hey, we need some water here!" Sanji announces as he raises his hand in the air, and Chopper chokes; I skid my drink down towards them, and Chopper grabs it, drinking down the alcohol.

"That's not water!" Chopper snaps once he stops choking.

"A thank you would be nice." I snap back at him, making Vivi laugh, and soon we finish off all of the food. Usopp and Chopper jump onto the table, dancing around, and Luffy, now completely full, joins them, rolling around. I can't help laughing as I watch them, and everyone is enjoying themselves, even the guards, as we enjoy our night, and soon it ends with us heading to the royal baths.


I sigh into the hot water as Vivi and Nami sit outside, cleaning each other; I tie my hair into a bun as I lean against the side by the girls as we talk. "This feels good! I wonder if a ship with a big bath like this exists..." Nami ponders.

"I'm sure it does since the sea is so vast." Vivi agrees. "We saw giants... we saw dinosaurs... we also saw cherry blossoms bloom in a winter land... there're more and more things in the sea that are beyond our imagination!" We look at her, and she catches herself. "Well..."

"It's my turn," Nami says, and I look over to see all the men, minus Chopper and Zoro, peeping over the divider.

"Hey, what're you all doing?!" I snap at them, gaining the girls' attention.

The Straw Hat's Red Devil - Sky Island Saga (No. 3)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat