Chapter 1 part 1

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Misty wakes up like any other day as usual and checked her phone to see what time it is,then she realized "OH we are on 18 february already ?" that day is her birthday,in which she will turn 16 years old.She wakes up,makes the bed,change in her daily clothes and reaches directly to the bathroom.Misty was about to brush her teeth when she notice something strange on her face.6 pointed stars on each cheek.

"wot." thats all she said,with a shocked face while looking in the mirror.She put her both hands on her cheeks "they didn't seem to be painted either,it's like they are a part of my skin." she looked closer on the mirror while putting her hands on the sink "how the heck is this posible ?!"

"Looks like they are finally back,but just appeared in your case" she heard a quite familiar voice.Misty jumped out scared as she turned to the direction of the voice to see no other than her childhood 'company' himself,Glow,floating in front of her."what the-" she rubs her eyes,it's unbelievable !

Glow is Misty's imaginary friend from then she was like 4,his full name is...what was it ? Glowzaric ?! I complicated name anyway that a 4 year old can't remember or pronounce.So she was calling him just Glow.At somepoint or several years after that,Glow disappeared,claiming that Misty was too old to have a childhood 'company' anymore.But Misty couldn't take it,it lasted a lot to her moving on.This news came up to her parents too,none of them didn't know who Glow actually was and thought this whole thing is only in Misty's imagination.They supported her through this whole thing,Star and Marco are the greatest parents.But let's go back to the prezent.

So Glow is back ! And he seems to know about the cheeks stuff "Glow ?! Is that really you ?!" Misty asked like in every situation where someone reunites with their friend after a long time."Yeah it is me,long time no see Point Star."Glow replied.For some reason he was calling her Point Star,Misty didn't get why as a child but now she thinks it might be from the 6 POINTed STARs on her cheeks ? Wait but he called her like that before those appeared,is like he knows this will happen,wait what ?!

"How ? Like don't get me wrong,I'm very glad to see you.But how did you get back ? I seriously never though I'm gonna see you again.And also you knew this will happen ?" Misty questioned,pointing to the stars on her face "The cheeks thing I mean" she added."Well..." Glow began,crossing his fingers while Misty had a questionable look "I didn't knew that I could see you again then you turn 16-" actually,he lied "Wait so you didn't know about your return but knew about these" Misty pointed her finger at one of her stars while having a serious look."Fine you got me ! You see I wanted this to be a birthday surprize."

"I can you please tell me about those stars ? Like what exactly are they ? And why are they doing on my face ?" Misty told him,while pointing her finger again,funny how she does that every time she mentions about her star cheeks.Glow was about to answer then suddenly some screams can be heard."Wo-"

"What the...? Those sounded like my parents !!" Misty exclaimed "Yeah you're not the only one with 'those' on." Glow said while pointing to her cheeks,too much cheek pointing don't you think ?! "Wait so they are having it too ?!" Misty asked totally surprized "Well they are having panicked reactions compared to your much calmer but still shocked one." Glow noticed."Either way,this thing is too all of the sudden,like waking up with those in your face for no reason is pretty shocking" Misty told him "Yeah you have a point here." Glow replied "So let me brush my teeth quicky and we're going to check on them." Misty spill out and immediately got back on the sink "²About that-" but Glow stopped since he realised that Misty was too focused with her teeth to hear him.After finishing he was about to continue but Misty said "Yeah I know,they will not be able to see you-" "Accually I was about to say that now they WILL be able to see me." Glow informed as he put his arm at himself,the truth is that even long ago they could see him but Glow told Misty otherwise.

"Wait really ?"

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