Registration, Introductions, And Amphibian Problems

Start from the beginning

Luna: "With the registration fee out of the way, we can begin the evaluation. Please place your hand on this crystal ball."

(Y/N) followed her instructions and put his hand on the giant sphere. It started to glow, and a small laser under it started printing information onto a card below. It finished printing, and Luna grabbed the card an examined it.

Luna: "Let's see... You have slightly higher than average luck, decently high intelligence and affinity for magic, and an above average mana pool. With this you could become an Arch Wizard, or an Adventurer. The only upside to the adventurer class is that you can learn all types of spells, instead of being limited. That said, adventurer is the weakest class."

(Y/N): "I think I'll go with adventurer. Damn, I was really hoping for something like a combat bard."

Luna: "Very well then, here is your adventurer card. This is your identification as well as your vessel to learn skills. Our quest board and notice board are right over there. If you find a quest you'd like to take on, bring it here, and I'll book it for you."

(Y/N) thanked her and went on his way. As he was walking to the quest board though, someone in green caught his eye.

(Y/N): 'Is that a goddamn tracksuit? He's gotta be from earth. I gotta talk to this guy before I take a quest.'

(Y/N) made a B line over to the table that he saw the man sitting at. As he got closer he noticed a blue haired priestly looking woman sitting beside him, and a small girl in a witches costume doing some poses. He finally arrived at the table, and announced his presence.

(Y/N): "Yo, I'm-"

Before he could finish introducing himself, the smaller girl whipped around and flipped her cape. She struck a pose and introduced herself loudly.

Megumin: "I am Megumin! The number one genius of the Crimson Demons! My calling is that of Arch Wizard, and I command the strongest and most magnificent magic known to man; Explosion magic!"

(Y/N) chuckled inwardly, and decided to play along a little. He quickly reached behind his head and gripped the neck of his guitar. He then whipped his arm out quickly, and held the guitar off to his side like a battle axe.

(Y/N): "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I'm an adventurer! I've come back from the grips of death to seek vengeance and justice; Not for myself, but for everyone! Yes, vengeance and justice for all! My name is (Y/N), and remember this. Killing is my business...And business is good!"

He seemed surprised at his introduction, and a little bit winded too. But Megumin had stars in her eyes. He seemed to have made a good first impression on her. She quickly sped over to (Y/N), and got really close to him.

Megumin: "That was so cool! I've never seen anyone properly return a Crimson Demon greeting!"

(Y/N) got flustered easily by how close and in his face she got. He never was a ladie's man back on earth, so he wasn't really used to this. He let out a nervous laugh as he scratched his neck and looked away.

(Y/N): "Hehe, Th-thanks. I don't really know what happened, but it came pretty naturally."

(Y/N) suddenly remember why he walked over here in the first place. He looked over to the man in green.

(Y/N): "Hey tracksuit, what's your name?"

Kazuma: "It's Kazuma."

(Y/N): 'There's no doubt about it, he's gotta be from earth.' "Well Kazuma, can you come with me for a moment?"

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