"Well anything connected to the Frobisher-Smythes is straight trouble" mused Alfie. "I bet that jewel your dad stole was something they stole from King Tut's tomb like the Cup of Ankh and the Mask of Anubis".

"Yeah, so it appears that the shield is the prize for each competition, well along with bragging rights"

"I guess charming and scamming are out then". Clapping a hand on Jerome's shoulder Alfie said the dreaded words no con artist wants to hear. "You might have to win it back fair and square bro".

"Fair and square" he tried to say, the words felt foreign on his tongue. "That's a thing, right?"

"Yeah it's a thing" laughed Alfie.

"That's funny" he slammed the book closed "I never really got that concept".

"I know mate. Don't worry though we got your back. You are a decent enough ping pong player that we will have the shield back in no time".

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

When classes let out for the day Jerome and Alfie met up at their lockers to wait for Mr. Sweet. "Alright remember the plan?" asked Jerome.

"Yes Roe. We are trying to convince Mr. Sweet to let you compete despite the school's horrible track record for the past thirty years when it comes to sports"

"Precisely. And here he comes now! Quickly, after him!"

The two boys tore down the hallway yelling the headmaster's name, dodging students, as they tried to get his attention.

"Ah, Lewis and Clarke. Excellent." Mr. Sweet greeted without stopping or turning towards them. "And what can I do for you today" he asked as they had reached his office door.

"It's about the Frobisher Shield" explained Jerome, "I want to win it back".

Adopting a serious face Mr. Sweet began to scold them both. "The Frobisher Shield isn't a joke" he warned. "If we could actually win it back, why then the school could be truly great once more. And greatness is no laughing matter". Clearly having decided that the conversation was over he turned to unlock his office.

Turning to Alfie, Jerome motioned for him to try and get Mr. Sweet to see sense on this issue. "Wait!" Alfie called. "Check out his serious face, Mr. Sweet. See! It's totally serious". Adopting his best serious face Jerome tried to play along with his best friend's plan.

Mr. Sweet paused and looked at them considering his options, apparently what he found was enough as he said, "If you both really mean this then I'll make the arrangements". Score! They were going to get the shield back! "But know that once you begin on this the hopes of the entire school will be riding on this match".

Tears of Gold: House of AnubisWhere stories live. Discover now