Chapter 3

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"Hey," Alexander whispers in my ear, nudging me off his shoulder. My heavy eyelids fall open and I realize I must have dozed off while waiting. "The jury is coming back in."

I sit up and scan the faces of all the jury members, each looking tired, empty, and somewhat sad. Alexander tightens his grip on my hand and we wait for them to announce their decision.

One of the jurors steps to the center of the room with a folded piece of paper. His cold eyes land on me for a second before he drops them to his list. The room falls silent as he unfolds the decision on who gets to stay. He doesn't look up, and starts to instruct the group from the sheet in his hands.

"We have made a list of the candidates who have qualified to stay in Libertas. In order to accept your place here in Libertas, all individuals who have qualified must also agree to serve alongside us during the rebellion."

I nod, agreeing it's only fair they help defend the place that gives them freedom.

"When I call your name, please come forward and sign your agreement to serve us, and stay standing here in the front. First, we want to honor Mio Sanders." I exhale at the sound of our leader's name. I can see the relief on Mio's face. He stands, moves to the front of the room, and signs his agreement on the stand. He turns to face us, tears welling in his eyes, and it's the first time I've seen him be vulnerable.

"Cinder Campbell," he says, continuing the list and it keeps going on and on. "Cooper Sagel, Essie Jane, Albert Brown, James Young, Zavy Lane, Toby Lane, Alexander Thompson, and finally Adaline Sagel." I rise and make my way to the front stand, and pick up the pen lying next to the piece of parchment. My eyes scan down the long list of names of those who have traveled with me, and I feel nothing but relief. I scribble my name down beneath Alexander's and then turn to face the crowd again.

That's when my eyes land on Molly, tears and fear quickly welling up in her eyes. How could I have missed her name on the list? The man who announced all of our names is calling for our congratulations. Everyone who came to watch, stands and applauds our achievement, but I've become so numb I can't even acknowledge them.

"What do you plan to do with Molly?" I hear Alexander's deep voice yell over the crowd. At the sound of his voice, they all fall silent.

A nervous sweat starts to break out on the man who called our names. "The jury has decided that Libertas is an unsafe environment for kids, now that a rebellion is being planned."

"And the children currently living in Libertas?" my broken voice chokes out. "Where do you plan to send them?"

The man starts to stumble over his explanation as the weight of the judgmental crowd lands on his shoulders. "Arrangements have been made for those children to move into underground bunkers until the rebellion is complete."

"And Molly can't stay with them?" I push and start to move toward him.

The man turns and gives a questioning look to the rest of the jury. An older woman stands and says, "I don't believe we should have to give up any space down there to kids who don't belong here. The quarters will be tight as it is. Besides, her kind is the reason we had to leave Dather in the first place. You're lucky any of you got picked."

It dawns on me that they aren't letting the non-gifted stay for extra support in the war. They want them to be another target, hoping they will die before their own gifted have to. They didn't sign a service document, they signed a death certificate. The jury doesn't want Molly to stay because she won't go to war. She'll actually live off their resources, and they will seek no benefit. At the lady's remark, a commotion breaks out among the rest of the jury; some supporting her and some admitting that the non-gifted are innocent.

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