Well that would probably be the best that they would get reflected Amber. "You have done the right thing in coming to the guru for advice"

"Yeah, I didn't ask for..."

"Cause thanks to my experiences with Mick and Alfie I am well-versed in all facets of love and general relationship matters".

"Well... ok, do your worst"

"Right, whatever you do don't say yes. If you do you will give her the wrong impression and you will upset, her".

"Well not saying yes was basically just going to be"

"There's more" snapped Amber cutting him off. "And this is where it gets tricky. Whatever you do don't just say no either".

"Well that just sounds confusing. Why can't I just say no?"

"Because then you'll seem hard to get, you need to explain yourself so that she gets the whole picture. If there's one thing girls want it's someone we can't have. So at the most basic level, don't say yes and don't just say no".

"Well what do I say to put her off" he whined pathetically.

"Don't worry. We've just started silly. But I was supposed to meet Nina in the art room a few minutes ago so we'll have to talk more later". Shooting Nina a text to let her know she was on her way, Amber rushed out of the lounge towards the art studio.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

"Ambs, there you are!" Nina called from her spot at a canvas. "I just have to finish up this piece for Mr. Roberts. Can you start grabbing string and bells?"

"Sure, where are you planning to build the practice web?"

"I'm thinking that we should use our room. That will lower the chances of people walking in and seeing it or asking questions".

Amber couldn't believe it, here was the perfect opening to talk about Lili and Jerome joining the Sibuna gang.

"Neens, you know how Liliana and I have started that online shop?"

"Yeah, you said it was going rather well"

"Oh it is! It has been so much fun. The thing is though... She has raised some concerns about where we keep disappearing off to."


"Yeah, I mean she's the first one since Victor to notice how we disappear for long periods of time".

Tears of Gold: House of AnubisHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin