Chapter 11 "The day before the gala"

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{Present day, the day before the Gala}

A: okay I have good news !!

Y/n: what ?

A: my parent said that yes you, and five... can come tomorrow !!

Y/n: yesss !! That's great. I have a question tho... about five

A: um okay ?... what is it ?

Y/n: do you like five ?

A: well yeah I mean he's our frie-

Y/n: no i mean like.. more then a friend..

A: well, actually.. yes. I've had a crush on him
for a little while now because these last few days with him, have been so.. Amazing for me. So I think imma say yes !

Y/n: Yes ?

A: for being his date remember ?

Y/n: o-oh right !... his date..

A: oh do you like hi-

Y/n: Me ? What ? No of course not ! He's all yours hun !!

A: oh okay i was getting a little worried there
Y/n: no it's totally fine !! Haha
A: well enough of that !! Let's go dress shopping for you !!

Oh jeez

Y/n: um yess !! Haha

*you guys go to a bus stop and take the bus to the Mall*

*you guys enter the market*

A: Oh my- Nothing smells better than the fabric of dresses !!

A: cmon, let's see which dress suits you

*you guys have a lot of fun looking for dresses and trying them on*

A: omg y/n... you should totally wear this one... I think it'll look bomb on you.

Y/n: no way really ?? Okay I'll try it on

*you try it on and show Ava*

A: oh hell yes. We are taking that one !!

Y/n: haha okay !!

*as your paying these guys walk in*

*the guys start shooting the whole store*


*you guys hide behind the cashier*

Y/n: okay I need you to stay here

A: why ? What are you gonna do ??

Y/n: just trust me.

*you get out and teleport behind one of the guys*

Y/n: surprise bi*ch

*he turns around and tries to shoot you but you slowly disappear into thin air*

Y/n: boysss over here.

*you smile and hit one of the guys head, take the gun and shoot the other guys*

*you step on the guys neck (the one you hit)*

*you look around and realize they all have the same tattoo on their neck*

Y/n: Who do you work for !!?

??: No one

*you step on his neck harder*

Y/n: I said, Who. Do. You. Work FOR ?!

*he gasps for air and then smiles at you*

??: someone

*he then stops breathing*


A: What the hell

Y/n: I- We gotta get out of here

*you grab her hand and teleport outside*

A: oh gosh I think imma throw up. What was that ?? You were like... TELEPORTING ? And you did it just now

Y/n: okay Ava... I'm not supposed to tell you this but.. I have powers..

A: what ??

Y/n: Yes, I have powers. And so does five

A: What but magic and that stuff Isint real ?? This doesn't make sense ?

Y/n: well I mean, you did just see it happen tho

A: b-but... wait... your not here to kill me RIGHT ??

Y/n: What ? Of course not !!

A: your lying
Y/n: wha-
A: then how'd you know how to take down those guys ?? Did you know they were coming ??

Y/n: Ava please listen, I'm trained to do that-

A: TRAINED ?! ANSWER ME Y/N !! Did you know they were coming !!?

Y/n: NO, Ava look-

*ava scoffs*

A: That explains why you just suddenly came up to me. If you weren't gonna kill me, were you gonna kill my parents ??

Y/n: What ?! Can I not know how to fight or what ? Or just because I know how to you think im gonna do something bad

A: So you wanna act stupid now ? Wow, my mother was right

Enemies to lovers // A Five Hargreeves storyWhere stories live. Discover now