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"You hardly know the teacher bitch and you're fucking her? Wow Tyrell."

I knew this shit was a bad idea. Here I am tryna be super dad and try to play house with this bitch, for the sake of my child, and she wanna start trippin.

"Watch your mouth around my daughter!"

"She sleep the fuck she gon hear?"

"But it's my job now to put her to sleep if you wake her! And you still haven't told me about the niggas you sleep around with, having them in your apartment with my baby there!"

"MY apartment, OUR baby. I know who I let my daughter around, you don't know that teacher bitch!"

"Dumbass just answered your own question. That's her teacher! Watch your mouth when you speak on her! In fact, get away from my car."

"Whatever. When I come get her this weekend I'm fixing her hair and you better not fuck it up tryna be super dad!"

Everything in my power is holding me back from smacking this bitch. And I hate calling females bitches, but this one right here. Fuck.

"Daddy." I heard a soft voice from the backseat as I pulled off and headed home.

"Yes princess?"

"Did Ms. Jones like the roses we picked out for her for valentimes day?"

I find it absolutely adorable she cannot pronounce Valentine.

"She did baby. She loved them."

"Well that's good daddy." She yawned.

"Yes it is sweetheart."

We finally made it home. I put the code into the front gate and waited for it to open, then I drove into the driveway and parked the car. I took Nali out her car seat and of course she was fast asleep. My mother, Miranda, was waiting for us at the door.

"Come on, bring my grand baby out of that cold air! You're gonna get her sick."

I locked my car and carried Nali over to her.
"You know, it seems like you care about her way more than your own child." I joked.

"Well I already raised you, and I thought I was finished raising your brother. Get your butt in here."

After she carried Nali into her room, I closed the door behind myself and saw my brother Tyrek and his friend Amos playing 2k.

"And y'all niggas better have made a profit on what I gave y'all."

"What's up bro?" Tyrek dapped me up and Amos saluted me.

"Mhm," I took off my jacket and took a packet of dutches out of my back pocket. "Amos, talk business."

"We made ya quota, TB. I know we due your 10% from last time, so we got that, and this weeks, plus next weeks because we went to the hills where them white folks don't know how many grams is in a kd for real."

"Now how long do you think you can keep scamming those Bridgeview kids before they find a token black coon to tell them the real price?"

Diana (Urban Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now