TWO - Unexpected Visitor

Start from the beginning

"Do we HAVE to do this?" Klaus said out of nowhere. 

"What was that?" said Dad, turning towards him now.

"We haven't trained since... since I don't know!  A long time!" Klaus replied.

"Now you're going to train again then Zombie boy!" Dad replied. 

Klaus fell silent, knowing he can't stand up against Dad. I eyed each of the siblings carefully. Luther and Allison were looking at each other non-stop, Diego is looking at my siblings and fiddling with his knife. Klaus kinda walking around, looking at the ground. He doesn't look like the person who fights. Five was- looking at- me? We made eye contact. He probably found it weird that I wasn't wearing my uniform. I mean, HE is wearing a uniform. It's very similar to ours, which gives me even more proof that their story isn't fake. Anyway, I blushed, and broke the contact. Ugh why- 

"We will start with fighting, then running, then powers. Let me know who wins. Number 1, go ahead." Dad said, like he usually does, and left to go back upstairs. 

Ben stepped forward, in the middle, ready to give instructions. 

"Number 2, you're with the kid." I rolled my eyes and nodded. Five nodded as well. 

"Number 3, manipulating girl." he continued. 

"WHAT? So you're making us fight each other? AS TRAINING? We don't even know your abilities."  Allison protested. 

"That's the point." ben replied, smirking. 

"Number 4" Klaus snapped his head up, but then realized they weren't talking about him. "You're going with knife boy" 

"We'll rotate. Number 5 and 6, take the zombie boy, the shy one, and the Godzilla over to the walls. I'll observe."

We all got into position in our squares. Five was standing in front of me, hands in pockets, super chill. He has no idea what he's up against. 

"You've got no chance against me." he said, smirking. "I'm a fully trained assassin." 

"Good luck, you're gonna need it!" Alphonso (number 4) shouted to Five from the square next to me. I smiled at him. We always had a nice relationship... except for when he made jokes about me. 

"You got this Diego..." Allison said to him from the third square. 

"WHAT ABOUT ME?" Five shouted!


"Hm ok." Five said, giving me a proud + sarcastic smile. 

"FIGHT!" we heard Ben yell, and all hell broke loose. 

Five threw a punch at me with his right hand, I grabbed his arm, and twisted it downward. He kicked my stomach to escape my grip, but just as I was about to throw a punch, he was gone. Before I knew it, I was kicked in my back, and pushed forward, almost falling to the ground. 

I quickly turned around, gripped both his arms, and kneed him in the chest. He groaned. He lifted his legs to kick me, but I ducked and his leg swung over my head. I got up, threw a jab at him, he blocked. He then punched my nose and made it bleed, and that's when I decided I'm going full force at him. 

I turned invisible, leaving him confused the where I am, but I punched his eye before he could react. I wanted to tease him. I tapped his right shoulder, he threw a punch to the right thinking I was there, but then I tapped his left shoulder. He punched that way too, and missed, as I was already on his right side. I tapped his right shoulder, and moved to his left, but this time he punched left where I stood, and hit my cheek. I turned visible again, losing focus of my powers.  I trembled back as he came toward me and tried to kick me. It worked, and I fell down on my bottom. As he tried to step on my neck, I grabbed his foot and threw him off me. He lost his balance, which gave me time to turn invisible again. I stood in the corner of the square, and clenched my fists. They glowed a purple color, and I was focusing  on creating the perfect fight scene illusion. Illusion me was born. It looked, sounded, acted like me, but when you tried to make contact with it, your hands would be feeling nothing but air. 

The Umbrella Academy -- Season 3 -- Number 5 x Reader (Y/n)-- Sparrow AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now