"You will Miss. Grindelwald, after all your very convincing. But now let's reunite you with your family and continue we're you and your family left off". Just like that she pulled me into a hug and it felt so weird hugging someone but I think this is the closest I'll feel this warm feeling. Ughh okay this is getting really awkward now but I tried to do the best to not show my uncomfortableness. We then started walking down the hall almost reaching the stairs until I felt an arm pulling me.

"Well, well if it isn't Mr.Malfoy", you know for a man who's got white the reputation for being one of Voldemort's very loyal followers. It's hard to imagine that a man like him would get caught and put in this place. But I guess everything we do comes with a price. Others say it's good that we are in here because we are nothing but evil, but I mean come on we are only doing the right thing.

"Miss Grindelwald, I heard you'll be attending hogwarts this year, is it true?. This man looked really desperate to get out of here. It seemed as if any moment this guy could complete lose his shit.

"Yes this is true Mr.Malfoy, is there anything you need?". I felt generous I mean look at this poor man, it made me think of my father.

"Yes, I need you to give this to my son and my wife, please". Handing me two letters, each of them had a name. I assume he hasn't been able to get in touch with his family either.

"Mr.Malfoy, I'll give it to them don't worry. But uhh I probably shouldn't be telling you this but my father is going to break in to get his followers back and recruit some more. I'm not sure how that's going to turn out but just try to stay alive. I'll try Yo get in touch with him and let my father know to not force you into being part of us or end up getting hurt. Which I don't think my father with force you, after all he knows your one of Voldemort's most loyal followers. But my dad can be a but unpredictable". I felt terrible seeing Mr. Malfoy like this and mostly because knowing my father could end up like this one day.

"Thank you Miss. Grindelwald. If I get out of here alive I'll make sure that I return the favor". I just nodded my head and walked away putting the letters into the bag.

Once we reached a room, I see Alexander, Jackson and Sebastian. Well I'm happy to know that my planned worked and now Sebastian is coming along with us.

We got lined up and told to wait until they got out paperwork and wands. All of the sudden I feel Jackson breath on my ear.

"So umm sis your ready to cause some chaos at Hogwarts?". I looked up and smirked at each other. In a way to say that we were both thinking of the same idea.

Within a couple of minuets Jospeh and three other officers came in with papers and a case. Which I assume are wands must be in those cases. The four of us got assigned an officer as an escort. Luckily for me I got Jospeh as my escort. Before we left we all got cuffed from out hands and our ankles.

"Just to make sure you four don't try to do anything". Damn Jospeh really wants to be killed today huh. But I decide to hold on to my anger a little longer.

We apperated in front of a bridge that connected to some sort of a castle, which I believe this must be Hogwarts. We all walked inside and this place is huge, and just full of life and colors. That was until we reached the long ass hallways. This part was really boring, nothing much to see.

"So uhh Ashley.. I don't want to continue fathers plans anymore. I want to use this opportunity to start over again. I want to be there for Keva, she's growing up and need my full attention. I don't want to let her down anymore. I just want to make things right". Alexander looked really serious about this. I couldn't deny him the fact that he's been through a lot, I mean we all have. But he was right Keva is all he has and I can't take that away from both of them.

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