Chapter Four - All Else Fails, I'll Find an Aztec Statue

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Hey all, so I took down the previous chapter because I hated the direction it was sending my story, so here's a new one :) Please comment and vote? I would love to know if this one is better. PLEASE.

I'm so sorry for being away so long, but a lot has happened lately. Some good, some bad, but what can you do?

Exams end tomorrow, so I'll be trying to write a lot more, which it helps that half my classes are english and writing...

OH and do you like the new cover?


Why would he take this job?

What on planet Earth possessed Nolan to just one day decide ‘Hmm, you know, I should be Christina’s assistant’ ?

Maybe it was just me, but if you hate someone, you don’t go and work with them, I thought that was common sense but apparently not.

“Maybe he’s gotten over it all” Lilah offered, soothingly rubbing my back. After my little breakdown, I marched right back out there and finished rehearsal, but the second it was over I was sprinting back into hiding.

Now, with a lot of convincing to Sophie, I was sitting cross legged on my bed at home, Lilah right beside me. I had spilled everything to her, and she sat there taking it all in, just letting me rant mindlessly.

“When I ran into him yesterday he called me a cold hearted bitch” I laughed humorlessly, rubbing carelessly at my eyes. I already looked like a raccoon with my smudged mascara, what was the point in being cautious now? “That doesn’t sound like something a forgiving person would say”

“He has nothing to forgive you for” She said firmly, “He only knows the story that asshole fed him”

Before I could say anything, she pulled me off the bed and pushed me towards the bathroom.

“Now go wash up, and put on sweatpants and an old tee shirt” Delilah rummaged through my drawers, pulling out the clothes.

“Why?” I questioned, still listening to her by stepping into the bathroom.

“One, you look like a drag queen” She teased, trying to lighten the mood, “And two, those are clothes that just scream ‘I don’t give a fuck’”

I looked at her with awe, “Did little miss sunshine just swear?”

Rolling her eyes at me, she gave me one final push into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

I knew I was lucky to have a best friend like her. Here I was, having an irrational meltdown, and she managed to make me smile and take care of me.

‘That’s what best friends do’ She would always tell me. This wasn’t the first time Lilah had been at my side in tough times. It was a two way street as well, so if she needed me, I was only a phone call away.

When we first grew close, all this was new to me. I always thought I knew what friendship was, but in reality I never did. The friends I had were fake, all clawing to the top of social ladder in high school.

I took a long shower, making sure to scrub off the mascara and eyeliner. Why do girls insist on wearing this junk anyway? All it does is make your eyelashes a little longer, and then leave raccoon eyes without you noticing.

Pulling on the ‘don’t give a fuck’ clothes, that I was still surprise Delilah had named them, I walked back into my room feeling a little better.

The blond was lying on her stomach, facing the TV on the opposite wall of the bed, pressing random buttons on the remote.

What really caught my eye was the tub of pure perfection beside her, with two plastic spoons resting on the lid.

“Please tell me that’s what I think it is” I pleaded, jumping on the bed beside her, snatching the ice cream and hugging it close.

“Pascale’s White Chocolate Pistachio” She recited, “Your mom had some in the freezer down stairs for such cases, she brought it up while you wear showering”

“God bless that woman” I praised, practically ripping off the lid and digging the clear spoon in. Sophie was fairly strict, so the last time I had ice cream was around six months ago, and they were the longest six months of my life. Ice cream was an addiction I had, so I don’t blame my manager for putting limits on it. If given the opportunity, I would eat this creamy delight until I exploded.

“So what are we watching?” I asked with a mouthful of ice cream, so it might not have sound English, but Delilah would be able to decode it.

“Well, your crying about a bad breakup, so I think a rom com would be a good cure” She said, scrolling through Netflix.

We finally decided on It’s a Boy Girl Thing, since it was a healthy dose of romance and comedy. Too much lovey dovey nonsense would probably send me back into tears, so the laughter was essential.

About half way through the movie, Lilah was snoring softly into her pillow, while I was reclined on a stack of my own pillows, only half watching the movie.

High school romance used to hold so much appeal for me. It was what I always wanted. Everyone used to tell me it was wonderful and amazing. Your first relationship was one you would always remember. The trouble with that was that my first relationship was also my last, because the second it ended, I refused to go through anything like that again.

It ruined my false dreams of finding that one person that would love me and only me. All that teenage hope, shattered because of one relationship.

Now, every time a guy showed interest me, a bitter nagging feeling would bite at me, whispering things like, ‘Are you sure you’re the only one he’s got his eye on?’

‘He’s probably looking for a one night stand’

‘He’ll use you’

To add to all that, I had to deal with the side effect of fame. You can never tell who’s genuine, and who’s looking for a ride into the spotlight.

Love just wasn’t in the cards for me.

Maybe I should go argue with a jock in front of an Aztec statue and see if that works…


I know its not very long, but I didnt have much time.

PS if you didnt get the last line, its a reference to the movie they're watching

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