[ ✧*̥₊˚‧ 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 ]

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—————————————𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐝

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𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐝

chapter seventeen: letting you know 


"you all embark on the next phase of your life in these next two months! knowing what you are doing with the rest of your life is important! so listen up!"

you rolled your eyes at the "career speech" you were about to receive. this didnt go unnoticed by idiot one and idiot two next to you.

"psst, y/n!" kuroo whispered while slightly kicking your ankle, "what?"

"5 bucks says she makes a point for us all to go to college-"

you smiled, "ill bet on something i can win, kuroo." yaku but in the conversation as well, "5 bucks says she calls out kuroo for being the worlds best ass kisser!"

stifling a laugh, kuroo narrowed his eyes before accepting the bet.

"and mr. kuroo! you all could stand to learn something from him! he is the most respectful third year in the building!" the teacher genuinely believed that. that kuroo was the best student.

and he sighed before he slipped out his wallet and stuffed the cash into yakus already outstretched hand,

"ohhh, burn there tetsu? couldnt calculate this one could you?"

these two were making it extremely hard to choke down your laughter. although you were grateful, they knew you were dreading going to college so instead of letting you brood about it, they made every class just a little more fun.

"miss y/n! what is it you want to do? hm?"

you blinked before trying to attempt a response, "uhm. i think law is pretty cool? or maybe editing, something with writing? its a lot to think about right now-"

she gave a forced smile and nodded, listening to you list another option, "but i think business is cool too."

"very professional options miss y/n. good to keep an open mind. yaku! what about you?"


the same damn answer he'd given at the cafe. volleyball. and kuroo said the same. something that at least had anything to do with the sport.

some part of you couldnt help but wonder, kenma would be sitting here a year from now taking the exact same classes you are. planning for his future too.

you hoped that plan would involve you.

ever since new years, kenma had been inviting you over a lot more. you figured he just got more comfortable with you. he hadnt asked you out yet, he wanted a chance for everything to cool down after the fighting. and it had for the most part. but he was still working on a way to ask you that seemed perfect for someone like you.

but part of him also felt time slipping faster than he thought it was. january was coming to a close, to think that march was coming so quickly. it scared him. what if you forgot him? or moved on? the possibilities, in his mind, were endless.

"kenma. youre getting all mopey again."

he turned his head towards you, not realizing you had already laid yours on his shoulder, "cant help it. i didnt think it would come this quickly."

you sat up a bit, practically forcing him to look you in the eye, "kenma. im not leaving you behind. my university is in tokyo. i wasnt gonna pick a school a million miles away-"

he smiled for a minute, gingerly placing a hand on the side of your face, "i know, but i cant help it."

you gave a smile back, before he muttered words you'd never thought you'd hear,

"can i kiss you?"


and so he did. he wasnt someone who did pda, so it made small private moments like this, just that much more special,

"you should be my girlfriend-"

he almost slapped himself by the time he realized what had just happened- what words had just left his mouth. with foreheads still pressed together, he just stared at you, scared of your answer. still slightly in shock from letting the words slip.


he laughed. something you honestly didnt hear often. but one second you went from foreheads pressed against each other, to being engulfed in a back breaking embrace. it was heartwarming.

in thought. in word. in hearts. you had finally become each others.

"now i really cant let you go"

"too late. already applied for scholarships. besides. itll be fine. i'll still be in tokyo."

he sighed, slowly letting go, "alright."


in your heart you knew that anything could happen. stress could catch up to you, lack of communication, anything. it all rode on your shoulders.

you thought about just taking a year off. starting college at the same time as him, but having already applied for scholarships, there was no way your mother was going to say yes to just taking a year off for a boy.

so you sucked it up and lay there with him. love should be enough. but deep deep deep down, you pushed away the sinking feeling. the pit of dread that told you, you werent out of the woods yet. you just plunged yourself deeper in a hole. a hole that was unexpectedly pulling at you.

promises were promises. you had promised him a long time ago that you'd be together for college, but with the offer you have, that dream seems more and more like that. just a dream, not longer a tangible reality.

and facing reality was going to kick your ass.

! EDITING! 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐝  [ 𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙢𝙖 𝙠. ]Where stories live. Discover now