''Look alive seojun! We're here'' his manager announced, looking out thought the tinted windows. ''Look!''

Seojun looked out from his side. The front driveway of the school separated into two, one going in and one going out. There was also a medium sized fountain that separated the two driveways. The van stopped in front a long flight of stairs. He saw some people at the top but flinched once he saw the flash of the cameras and the hundred banners his fans from the school brought. Turning to his manager, he panicked when he realized that he needed to go out.

''Come on'' his manager opened the door and signaled the guards they brought with them to block the fans from touching the celebrity. ''Come on seojun your escort is here''

He looked at the people behind his manager who came down from the stairs. He guessed the old man was the principal while the other was his escort. Shaking the fear that he was feeling, he got out of the vehicle, flipping his hair and smiling at his fans. This caused his fans, mostly the girls, to squeal and faint. Talk about dramatic. As much as he wanted to scoff, he stopped himself from doing so as he didn't want to make the wring impression.

''Ah Kim Seojun'' he turned the person greeted him.''I am vice principal Smith and this'' the old man gestured to the boy beside him, ''is Lee Jehyun, your escort''

Somehow he wasn't dreading the fact that he's attending high school. In fact he thinks he should make this opportunity worthwhile. Especially of it's with the boy in front of him.

A smirk made its way on his face. ''It's my pleasure sir, Jehyun''


Chen wasn't concern when his friend suddenly plopped down beside him while slamming his lunch on the table and bashing his head on the table after. This was a common sight. The other doing this whenever he was upset, usually it was because he got something wrong in a quiz. But they didn't have any quizzes today.

''What's wrong bud? Care to tell a butterfly'' he finished scrolling through his social media feed and looked at the depressed teen. He somewhat had a guess on reason.

''Seojun. That's wrong'' Jehyun admitted, bashing his head again on the table. He knew the other students didn't care since this was a normal scenario.

''Oh yes Seojun-seojun!'' Chen's sudden outburst made some heads turn at their direction. Not feeling any sense of embarrassment, he shooed the looks away before turning back to his friend. ''Ok you should stop that'' he stopped his friend from bashing his head as a red bruise was starting to form on his forehead. Taking a cold carton of milk, he pressed in on the bruise.

Jehyun didn't even flinch at the coldness as it was normal for him to feel something cold on his forehead every time he basked his head. He even wondered why he had had a concussion. Turning to his best friend, he let out a whine and snuggle into the older.

''What am I suppose to do Chen? I have to be with him all the time in school!'' He dreaded the fact that he has to accompany the celebrity to his every class which he unfortunately shares with. Not only that but he has to make sure that the celebrity wouldn't cause or be in trouble. ''I can't do this'' he lowered his head onto his friend's shoulder, burying his face.

''Can't do what'' Joshua asked once he arrived with his food. His attention went to the social butterfly and the sad lion cub that had his face buried. ''Chen?''

''Hey it's not my fault this time'' chen was offended when his friend accused him. That was all in the past when the baby lion cub would cry because of him. ''It's because of that celebrity''

Joshua made an 'o' expression. Somehow mentioning the celebrity's name was forbidden in their school. People would call his the celebrity than his real name. But he was still puzzled as to why his friend acted that way. ''And?''

''Well-hey guys'' their half-Chinese friend entered their conversation with his own tray of lunch.

''Hey Jin'' the group of friends minus the sad cub greeted back. Jin smiled at his friends before frowning and pointing at the sulking cub.

''I was about to get there. Anyway-what's up losers!" The group didn't need to look at who spoke. It was obviously their overly hyper Japanese friend who went by the name of Sato Hiro. ''Except you of course Jin''

Chen rolled his eyes. Of course their Japanese friend would be sweet to the half-Chinese. He was practically whipped for the other but The poor half-Chinese was too dense to notice.

''Hey Hiro and.....'' Jin looked unsure as he realized who Hiro had brought to their table. ''And mr. Celebrity?''

As much as the rest wanted to laugh out loud, they bit their tongue to not try to offend the celebrity. Chen looked at Jehyun who refused to budge from his position.

''What's with him?'' Seojun asked, eyes on the male. ''And seojun will do''

''Ah nothing!'' Chen lied, he didn't want the celebrity to be offended on his first day. ''Just a bad day''

Yeah a bad day. A day where jehyun had to pray to the Lord above to save him from his misery who went with the name Kim Seojun

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