A sudden shudder passed through Draco and he swallowed, feeling all at once very cold. He looked down at his leg.

Was it the fear of the curse and what might happen that had him so on edge or was it just the kiss? The answer was clearly both.

Draco ran a hand through his hair and straightened his clothes.

He would go downstairs. 

He would be social.

He would make sure everyone else thought everything was okay so that tonight Fred could leave without a hitch.

Luck potion or not, they were still in the manor and things were still deadly dangerous.

He sat with his family and watched the clock anxious for Snape to owl him back.

His leg throbbed.

His head hurt.

"Are you feeling alright darling you look pale?" said Bellatrix. "And have you lost weight?"

"Stress," answered Draco.

"Tsk, tsk" said his aunt. "We mustn't let ourselves go," she turned to his mother. "Cissy, have you not been feeding the boy while he's sick?"

"Of course I have," said Narcissa haughtily. "What kind of a mother do you think I am?"

"Sorry Cissy," said Bellatrix sounding genuinely contrite. She knew better than to suggest that Narcissa was anything less than a dedicated mother. Everyone who was close enough to know Narcissa as a person knew that Draco was her priority.

And what will she do if you die? Draco found himself thinking.

How do you think she will feel finding out that you hid this cursed wound from her even if it was only for a day? Hmmm? Do you think she will ever forgive herself for not knowing? You're a selfish prick.

I owled Snape, Draco defended. He'll know what to do.

Suddenly sitting and waiting passively wasn't enough. Draco went over to the bookcase containing dark curses and pulled out a volume.

"Ooo, that's a good one," said Bellatrix. "Lots of nastiness inside that one," she smiled wickedly.

Draco caught his mothers disproving look and couldn't bare to hold her gaze.

She thinks so little of you now...

If you die you'll never be able to prove to her that you became better...

Draco shook away the thoughts and immersed himself in the book.

Hours later he had nothing new to go on and his headache had gotten worse.

He barely made it through dinner with his family.

Narcissa handed him a plate in the kitchen.

"What's this for?" he asked.

"For Her," said Narcissa as if stating the obvious.

Draco didn't bother to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Thank you."

Narcissa waved him and his gratitude away with an elegant hand and Draco took the stairs back up to his room and brought the meal up to Hermione.

She was exactly where he expected she would be; sitting with Fred laughing. 

When she saw him her laughter died and a piece of Draco died along with it.

Left Behind 2: Illusions (A Dramione Romance)Where stories live. Discover now