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Ryder's POV.

Yesterday night was a bit crazy. Me and Katelyn almost kissed, I've never fallen for someone this fast. The black dress she wore, her beautiful brown eyes and her brunette hair. The smile she had. God, I need help.

The way she said she liked me, the peaceful look she had on her face as she fell asleep. Everything about her is amazing. The way she had the first sip of the beer and made a face; it was funny but cute in it's own way.

From the way she murmured in a soft voice about how tired she was and how her feet were hurting to how she was a little embarrassed to admit that she couldn't walk on her own when I was bridal carrying her to her room. Everything about her drew me to her.

The way she touched our foreheads, the way she held my neck with her hand. I swear, I could've stopped breathing that moment.

When she started laughing after finding getting drunk after one beer was funny. I couldn't help but grin. Looking at her laugh was the best thing.

Also, when she started to cry expressing how sorry she felt after she acted like a "jerk" to me. I was genuinely concerned for her before I found out the reason behind her crying.

I didn't feel like she was acting like a jerk to me. Her reasons for acting that way were justified. But even when the tears welled up in her eyes, she was still looking beautiful. I hated to see her sad though. I guess there's a beauty in everything she does.

The way she put her hand around my neck and looked right into my eyes before leaning in to kiss me. Oh God. I could've died.

I could've kissed her last night but it didn't feel right at that moment. I didn't want her to regret anything later on. As I was thinking about all this my phone started to ring.

Nicole the name flashed on my screen. I picked up the call.

"Hey!" I heard Nicole say at the other end.


"Send me Katelyn's address" she said in a rush.

"Why do you need it?" I asked.

"Well, after what happened last night, she would be extremely hurt and sad. So, Claire and I will go to her place and be there for her." She was right. Katelyn looked pretty hurt, although I didn't know what was the reason behind her pain. But I really wanted to know about it.

"Yeah, I'll text it to you" I said and hung up.

I quickly texted Nicole her address. It took every fiber of my existence to not go over there and hold her in my arms. To ask her what had happened and to comfort her; to be there for her and to make her beautiful face smile again.

But, after almost kissing her the other night, I thought to give her some space. I didn't want to make things awkward between us. I wanted her to figure things out.

Katelyn's POV

I almost kissed Ryder. Was it because I was drunk? No, I don't think so. The way his eyes pierced through mine trying to look right at my soul, the way he carried me and my heels last night to my bedroom.

When I thought about the heels it automatically made me smile. He actually removed and carried my heels when I said they were hurting my feet.

The way he was concerned about me when I was crying in the front yard of Steve's mansion. Or in my bedroom. I did a lot of crying and I admit it but can you blame me?

I loved that I could make him grin even by saying stupid and senseless things.

I don't think that I tried to kiss him because I was drunk. I think I liked him and the drink just didn't help me keep my emotions and feelings inside of me, in control.

He's such a nice guy. He stopped me from kissing him because I was drunk, I've never known a guy as considerate as him.

Whilst, all this mess is going on in my life; the mere thought of him was keeping me busy and occasionally making me smile.

I was just sitting on my bed when I heard a knock and my grandma's voice on the door.

"Katelyn, sweetheart, your friends Claire and Nicole are here."

What? What are they doing here? I thought to myself and stood up from my bed to open my room's door.

"Why are you still in your pajamas?" grandma asked me. Claire and Nicole stood right behind her.

"Uh-" I paused for a moment. "Um, I just wanted to relax today; don't have much to do." I forced a smile as if everything was fine and shrugged. While I was speaking, I looked at the both of them, hoping that they won't say something else in front of my grandma.

Thankfully, they didn't. "Oh, well, okay, I'll leave you girls alone now." Grandma replied and smiled warmly at both Nicole and Claire.

I led them inside my room and closed the door. 

"Have a seat." I directed towards my bed.

"Uh-" I didn't know what to say, "What brings you guys here?" I asked.

"You." Claire said and Nicole rubbed my shoulder.

"Oh. But I'm fine."

"Yeah, as if we can't see your puffy eyes and you're literally in your pajamas." Claire looked at me with empathy, not sympathy.

"Everything is fine, it just... um..." I tried to change the topic, yeah, that is what that happens when you want to talk to me about my feelings. "How did you guys get to know my address?" I asked to subtly change the topic.

"Ryder. He dropped you off here yesterday, remember?" Claire asked.

"Oh, yeah." I thought to myself that it was good that he didn't show up with Nicole and Claire. I sighed with relief in my head. Although I like him, all this was too much to handle at once, you see.

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