28: Dinners & Zebras

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“Guys, stop,” Niall held up his hands. “We should all quit trying to piss Louis off. We keep taking turns. Will we ever learn?” He clutched the area over his heart dramatically. “When will we learn?”

Louis was practically seething by now. “Can you all just grow up?”

Zayn shrugged, flicking a stray hair away from his face. “No. I won’t act my age.”

Louis finally gave up, sliding down the banister until he was lying on his back on the wooden floor. “I think I’m gonna lose my mind.”

“Ha!” I screamed, pointing an accusing finger at him. “You used a lyric! We win!”

“What?” He shook his head frantically. “Liar. That was not a lyric.”

“Uh-huh,” Liam responded, nodding. “It’s the first line in Fireproof. It’s literally your favorite song on the album. Get with the program, bro.”

Louis huffed and stood up. “You guys suck.” He walked into the kitchen and began rummaging around for something to eat, finally removing a pack of Oreos and reemerged with one already in his mouth.

“But you love us,” Zayn said. He stole one of the Oreos from the pack, causing Louis to hiss at him.

Niall eyed the Oreos with pursed lips and a wary look. “If he loved me he wouldn’t have bought Oreos. I know he went shopping last.”

“But I like Oreos,” Louis responded, pouting. “Just because they give you terrible flashbacks or whatever doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy them.”

“True,” I said. I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t like Louis very much but he still lives with us. Nothing I can do about it.”

Louis shot me a look. “I don’t like your attitude much but I still have to hear it.”

“Ouch!” I cried sarcastically. “That really hurt! I’m seriously offended by King Louis saying he doesn’t like my attitude. Woe is me.”

He chomped on a cookie without replying. I took that as a win.

Liam checked his watch. “It’s already like, five so we have to start heading out now. I’ll drive.”

Zayn reached for the keys. “No way, you drive like all the time. Give me a turn.”

“Uh, no,” Liam responded, rolling his eyes. “You’re a shit driver. I swear I get migraines whenever you’re at the wheel.”

“Look guys; let’s settle this like real men.” I snatched the keys from Liam’s hands and twirled them around my finger. “Neither of you will drive. Case closed.”

I dramatically stepped outside and was hit with a strong blast of wind, causing my hair to hit my face but I pretended as if everything was okay. I squinted but strut along the driveway nonetheless, tripping over a rock but landing safely against the hood of the car in one piece.

“Harry, sometimes I wonder about you,” Niall sighed, slipping into the passenger seat. I stuck my tongue out and entered the car to wait for the others to join us.




In half an hour, we were at Arthur’s house. He lived in a nearly empty suburban area with almost no neighbors, which would be appropriate for inviting world famous boybands over but not if you have kids. I didn’t understand the logic of that man at all but of course I put up with it.

The five of us made our way out of the car and up the stairs to the tall oak doors. I put a hat on my head, Zayn smoothed down his hair, Niall fixed his sleeves, Liam adjusted his tie, and Louis rang the doorbell. We all waited.

S.O.S. ✘ One DirectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon