Chapter 11 The King's Spy

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Relly had just awoke and was getting ready to slip out of Nick's bed when she heard a key rattling in the door lock and the lock turn. She watched in horror as a huge man walked into the room. She pulled the covers tighter around and over her and was about to scream when Nick covered her mouth muffling the sound. "It's okay sweetheart it's just my batman."

"Who's the little bird?" Sargent Todd said looking surprised to find a woman in Nick's bed.

"This is Lady Aurelija, Sargent. Be respectful."

"The dragon girl Aurelija?" Nick nodded.

"Relly meet Sargent Todd." Relly nodded, she had pulled the covers up to cover her face and now had them low enough so that her eyes were uncovered.

"Good morning Sargent," she said weakly. "I was going to get out of bed and go to my room but now I can't."

"Why can't you?" Nick said looking puzzled.

"I'm not dressed," Relly whispered hoarsely. She looked utterly mortified.

"Sargent Todd turn around and close your eyes." The Sargent grinned at the couple and turned around and Relly gave Nick a quick kiss and got ready to dash to her room. "Relly I'll see you at breakfast." She turned to him and nodded then quit the room.

Edith assisted Relly to dress. She stood a little straighter and even smiled. She had arranged for a warm bath for Relly and set out her clothes. "Mr. Todd came back this morning," she said cheerfully.

"Oh, Nick's batman. Yes I saw him." Relly almost broke out in laughter when Edith began to hum as she worked. Relly was happy for the woman, there seemed so little happiness in this house and she would not begrudge it from Edith.


Charles was about to leave his club in the morning. "Thank you Guy for your assistance in this."

"I think three of my men can handle the abduction quite handily Charles, the little bird will offer little resistance then we'll frighten her and rough her up," Count Guy DeVoissier said.

"Then I'll stage my dramatic rescue."

"My men will fall when you shoot them so remember powder alone it's hard to replace good men."

"This will solidify the affection of the little woman."

"Your brother has been probing our operation and may be getting close, Jeremy Todd has rejoined him and he may recognize some of my men."

"Just kill them both if you need to, I could care less about dear Nick."


Relly felt her world collapse a few days later when Nick had told her he would be gone for at least two weeks. He had said nothing but in her heart she knew he was about to embark in a dangerous mission. She had heard the gossip surrounding his advancement in rank but had not pressed him for information regarding his resignation from the calvary. Then it hit her, Nick was a spy and they hung spy's. She felt cold and was shivering when her dragon called to her. "I felt you distress little one," the dragon whispered, "so I came." Relly smiled at her friend.

"What would Londoners think if they knew a dragon visited the city?"

"Do you think I am the only dragon in London," Ailleacht whispered.

"There are more?" Relly smiled in surprise.

"There are, but you need to fly, I can feel it."

"Can we go back to Cocoterra?" Ailleacht nodded and Relly climbed onto the dragon and in a single heart beat they were circling around the volcano and down into the secluded beach. It took Relly just a few seconds to shed her kaftan and shift and enter the clear warm water.

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