Chapter 18 The Ball

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Relly's level of excitement over the ball was contagious and all the servants were smiling as she fluttered about the home humming and reminding everyone of the reason they had nicknamed her Little Bird as a child. She tried valiantly to sit for breakfast but found that nearly impossible. Even Ailleacht laughed at her when she rushed out to the garden in her kaftan and barefoot to describe the dress she had planned to wear.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself," Ailleacht said.

"AYE! I am so excited."

"I'll be off for a few days so you have fun little one. You can tell me everything when I get back."

"Is it you time to return home and sing your song of being?"

"Yes it is, so I too am very excited."

"Remember you promised to sing it to me when you get back. Nick and I will formally announce our engagement tonight, I'm excited about that too."

"I will sing it you and tell you the name I will be given but I expect you to always call me the one you gave me. We are connected by magic that cannot be broken. Perhaps I'll have something to tell you about the dragon in the story you told me about your island." The dragon breathed on Relly and said, "I give you the dragon breath to keep you safe. It too will give you magic, use it well." Relly hugged her dragon and waved goodbye to her and watched as she flew off.

Relly returned her preparations then she had a bath and sat to have her hair done. The style most of the young ladies were wearing this season were creative confections with their hair built up into elaborate structures. Many still liberally powdered their hair or wore wigs but natural hair colors was beginning to come into vogue. Many others would wear the hair in a chignon leaving their necks bare but Relly chose to wear her hair down and take advantage of its tendency to curl. Edith brushed it back and tied it with a ribbon that matched her dress and leaving her ears exposed. Then she curled her hair leaving long curls that reached to below her shoulder blades with Relly planning on flipping it over her left shoulder.

Her dress was a light shade of gold that was cut very low in the back and the bodice. It had puffy very short sleeves. Over that she wore a long sleeveless surcoat of a darker gold. The surcoat was edged in gold frilly lace and a wave like piping and it closed in the front by a single clasp at the high waist. The surcoat was cut so that it displayed the brighter under dress at the bodice and in an widening opening down the entire length of the dress. Her elbow length gloves were the same lighter shade of gold as the underdress. Her silk clocked stockings were held up by gold colored garters tied below her knees. And she had her new gold colored slippers. Nick put the pearl necklace on her as a finishing touch after she put on the earrings. Then he went to finish dressing.

Relly descended the stairs gracefully to the large foyer where Nick, Grandmother and Charles waited. The entire staff has turned out to see Relly in all her finery and were smiling as she descended the staircase. She moved with the grace of a queen and Nick could not keep himself from staring. She smiled brightly at everyone as she passed them.

Nick was wearing his dress uniform and Relly found him thoroughly dashing. She smiled at him as he put her red cape over her shoulders and fastened the clasp. "You look radiant tonight!" he whispered.

"You look beautiful Nick," she said and Nick laughed.

"Men aren't beautiful sweet thing. I love your hair like that," he touched her hair where it fell over her shoulder and chest admiring the warm colors of her hair, her skin and the smooth gentle motion of her breasts as she breathed. Her breathing quickened as he admired and touched her. "Your tanning makes you skin glow almost golden and the gold of your dress makes you so absolutely delicious. You look like the goddess Dianna bathed in golden sunlight." Relly smiled and blushed in response to his words.

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