Chapter 25 - Silver Lining

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"Since everything is over between us, I don't think I can keep it anymore." Ava forced it in his hand when he stood like statue.

"Wish me luck, Archie." Ava said, "I don't want him to turn into a person like you."

"I hope you'll be happy, Ava." Archie clenched the bracelet.

"I hope same." Ava nodded.

"And I hope you won't betray him like me either." Archie gave a bitter smile.

Ava passed the smile at his remark ignoring the pinch in her heart.

"I believe he won't mind if I do." Ava said icily and turned around. "Unlike you."

Taking a deep breath, Ava walked out of the suite and shut her eyes momentarily. It went well, at least. Checking her purse, she made sure she was prepared.

Inspecting the corridor, she looked out for any sign but there was none. How would she meet him, if he wouldn't tell her where to?

Ava paced to and fro. She couldn't reach him if he wouldn't direct her. But why wasn't he dropping any hint?

Ava stopped and looked around for last time.

"Okay I know you're around. Why don't you come out?" Ava asked finally. "What kind of date is it?"

Wind whispered from the window and snow played softly. Sighing, Ava walked to the stairs and stopped short on seeing the familiar pink note. Snatching it from wall, she read it.

Room no 10

Her room was 7 and boys room was 8. Which meant it could be either here or upstairs. Her smartphone binged and she saw a message from Riva. Hurriedly messaging back, she searched for room. It appeared her room was the last on the floor. Checking the smartphone for information, she finally went on upper floor and searched for the room.

It was in the end of corridor. Much away from everyone and really silent. She couldn't even listen to the wind anymore.

Finally here she was. Just a door between her and the man who almost destroyed her life. Her fear of years stood behind these doors and she had to face the fear. No man could destroy her until she was strong to face them.

Taking a deep breath, she rang the bell. Opening of lock was heard, the door remained closed however.

Gulping down the fear, Ava held the cold knob in her slick hands. Twisting it carefully, she opened the door slowly. The darkness welcomed her sight.

Rubbing her hands on jeans to wipe the sweat, Ava stepped inside the room. It was dark yet the light from the huge window was giving a faint outlines of the objects in the room. She took a few steps inside.

Something ruffled in darkness. The door slid closed behind her. Clenching her fist, Ava held herself from making noise.

Ava turned around to look for the man, something came under her feet and she slipped down falling on something soft. She sat up straight gaining her bearings.

Lights poured in, illuminating the red roses looped around the small room and the petals spread over the bed she had fallen on.

The man appeared looming over her, she tried to stand but he leaned over her, forcing her to sit back. She leaned back, avoiding the closeness, bedsheet bunched in her fists.

"You're looking beautiful." He muttered in her ears.

Pushing him, she stood up straight.

"You scared me." Ava said trying to prevent the trembling in her voice and failing.

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