Chapter 9

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One day, as is often the case, a visitor to My Room draws my attention away from my Wall Grid study.


No, that is impossible. Why would she want to visit her deranged daughter so soon after committing her?

And yet...

      "My dear Charmaine." 'Mother' says, a look of sad relief on her face, her staff providing unsteady support due to the uneven floor.

      "Mother!" It really is you!

Scrambling awkwardly to my feet, I embrace Mother, sinking my cheek deep into her bosom. She is real enough for me.

I wish this embrace will never end.

But nothing lasts forever.

      "Initially, I did not quite approve of how Doctor Forfax has been treating you. Not least because of how you are dressed. A lady should not be so... exposed. However, he has sound reasons for all my concerns." Mother explains once we eventually separate, "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

Sound reasons? Mother knows best.

     "Your rapid recovery is paramount. I believe that if you can make amends with Sister Persagniyah, then perhaps your journey back towards a healthy mind will be quicker."

In answer to her name, the blindfolded cenobite moved into view from behind Mother.

      "The Bride is keen to forge an alliance and has decided to be merciful, offering a second chance should you choose to make amends for your insult," she explains.

      "Insult? B—But, Azrael, I do not—! B—Bench! Geometry!" I babble.

      "Do not call me by that name; I am not who you think I am," she says, admonishing me.

      "I suppose you may be correct. The bench you were sitting on is very important to me and perhaps I got lost in a memory." I admit. Was I mistaken?

      "When you are discharged, we will have to work to free you from your crippling sentimentality for inanimate objects.

      "Crippling sentimentality?! Azrael used to love and understand the Geometry of Life!"

      "A misguided concept that, along with your obsession with collecting junk, stifles your true potential."

      "Junk..." I repeat. Junk?! It is a collection of beauty! Nonetheless, she knows about it! She has to be Azrael!

      "So, my child," Mother interjects, "Will you forgive Sister Persagniyah for your mistake?"

     "My mistake? She murdered Azrael!" I blurt out before I can stop myself.

The red mist descends over me once more and I lunge at the murderer. Mother blocks the doorway and holds me tight, though she visibly struggles to contain me.

      "It was too soon to expect progress in her recovery," Persagniyah remarks in what I swear is a mocking tone, "The Bride's patience wears thin. She might prove merciful one more time, but I cannot guarantee it. Perhaps she would be unwise to show it again."

With those final words, the murderer walks briskly away, leaving Mother to give me a look of deep sadness, but also of motherly concern.

      "She is manipulating us! Her whole cult is!"

      "Oh Charmaine, it is clear that we should not have visited you so soon after the start of your treatment. I will have to give you more time to heal under Doctor Forfax's care."

Hugging me one last time, she too leaves me to the mercy of Doctor Forfax, who is waiting patiently in the corridor.

      "Medication time," the doctor says brightly once the echoing footsteps fade away completely.

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