YES, Question!

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Hello, ma'ams, sirs and everyone in between and beyond!
I got a question!

But before that...
Song of the Day:

Ok, so now for the question...

What's the memory you use to produce a patronus? (By Legacyofhecate )

Uh... so I haven't produced a patronus yet, but if I were to produce one, I would have to  use a mix of memories because, honestly, one memory wouldn't do it.

Getting the sixth HP book. (It was the only one I needed to wait for.)

When my parents finally bought me the PJO series so I didn't have to read from my school library anymore.

My older cousin sister and aunt taking me to Starmark to get any two books of my choice.

Finally being able to watch the MCU movies.

Bungee jumping.

Trekking in the Himalayan range (don't ask me the name of the mountain- I don't remember, lol. I just remember my father's vertigo 😂 I'm a terrible person for laughing)

Jeep safaris. I love standing up in the jeep when it goes at full speed. It's amazhang.

Sand dune safari in a jeep- those are just the best.

And... last but not least... going to a water park! (Not gonna disclose the name bcoz... privacyyyy) (What? I'm a daughter of Poseidon.)

Anyways, so yeah. I'd have to think of ALL of these and how HAPPY they made me to produce one.

So, yeah... byeee!

Next question?

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