Yaay! Question!

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Hey! I got a question!

State 5 - 15 facts about yourself (by Legacyofhecate )

Um... so, here goes nothing!
1) My favourite colour is electric blue

2) I don't have a favourite food

3) I'm a grammar freak

4) I was born in Bristol, and lived in Southampton for a while before coming to India

5) I read The Godfather when I was 9

6) I read my first 'mature' story when I was 10 - 11 and it was SSS by Avery Song

7) I ship Dobby and Winky

8) I love eggs.

9) I think I'm the only one who ships Rolfuna (Rolf×Luna) from the HP fandom

10) For some reason, I imagine Alex Fierro as Louis Partridge with dyed green hair and heterochromic eyes. Don't question it.

11) HP was my first fandom.

12) My favourite subject is English (literature and grammar)

13) However old you think I am, I'm probably younger. Probably.

14) I'm the kind of girl who would threaten her friends' significant others with torture and death.

15) I thought I knew pain... and then I read Willow Heights Prep Academy. That book shattered me... it was so beautiful and realistic- and hurt. A lot. It can be triggering for a lot of people. VERY triggering.

Anyways... byeeee! Until I get another question or get bored.

@Sinenomine7's storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora