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Yep, I got a question.

Since this is now some kind of ritual or routine or something, I present to you...

The Song of The Day!:

Ok, anyways...

State 20 facts. (By Legacyofhecate )

This reminds me of my exam papers where they say, 'State 2 methods of blah blah blah' or 'State 5 characteristics of dash dash dash'.
Anyways, here goes nothing...

1) I fudging hate makeup.

2) If you think I'm the sweetest little girl you've ever known, think again. Chances are that you didn't notice the knife in my pocket.

3) What's that? There isn't a knife in my pocket?
But I can still knock you unconscious without a weapon. Don't try me.

4) I love blades. Before you attack me, no, I'm not into self-harm anymore. I just like blades.

5) No offence, peeps, but I hate Captain Marvel. Don't question it.

6) I'm a Greek mythology geek.

7) My name is... did you really think I was going to tell you? My alias is Ava and it's pronounced as 'Ah-va'.
Why? Because... why the Hades not?

8) I love roses, but not because they are pretty, or because they 'represent love'. I love them because... well, they're beautiful... and have thorns.

9) I'm a book and music lover.

10) I'm crazy.

11) I used to be pyrophobic... and hydrophobic... I got over it, though. Both of them.

12) I broke my wrist once. My forearm bones had toppled over one another at the wrist, and my growth bone was chipped, A.K.A., fractured. When that happened, I cried A LOT... because I was going to miss my friend's birthday party.

13) I like the taste of my blood. Yes, I've tried it. Don't look at me like that.

14) When I watched The Grinch, I was worried that the Grinch would turn out to be a pedophile. Thank lord he wasn't... I think.

15) have you watched The Nutcracker And The Four Realms? I ship Philip and Clara.

16) Have you read The Graveyard Book? I ship Bod and Scarlett.

17) Have you read The Findouters? I ship Fatty and Daisy. (Where the fudge does my mind come up with this schist?)

18) I simply despise the thought of Steve and Sharon.

19) Jasmine is my favourite Disney princess because she doesn't take anyone's schist. And she's a tomboy. And SHE HAS A PET TIGER. RAWR.

18) I found an empty box of chocolate at home... I stuffed it with books!

19) I'm weird, I know.


Yeah. That's all for now, guys. Byeee!

ASK ME QUESTIONS, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE... and if I get another 'State ___ facts' I'll bang my head against the wall. XD

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