Chapter 22

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"Jennie, wait." Seulgi stopped the excited woman before they entered the ICU room. "You got to understand something."

"W - what is it?" Jennie suddenly panicked. "Seulgi, you said she's fine!"

"She is," Seulgi nodded eagerly. "What I'm about to say is. . . don't give her flying hug. Be gentle and be careful because it's just been five days. She's not strong enough and I certainly don't want to go back to the OR to fix the stiches."

"Oh." Jennie smiled in relieved. "Well, then I'd give you the flying hug." The woman jumped and squeezed Seulgi tightly. "Thank you, Seul. Thank you for saving Lisa. I can never repay you for it."

"You're most welcome, Jen. She's my best friend. Of course I'll do anything to help her." The general surgeon patted Jennie's back softly. "Let's go."

Both women wore the gown and washed their hands using alcohol before they stepped into the cold space. Lisa's room was at the end of the first row. They cautiously walked without making noise. Most patients were either sleeping or unfortunately still in coma, the nurses were all busy with their work. Some of them smiled and bow a little when they passed by the doctor.

As they drew nearer, Jihyo walked out from Lisa's room with the biggest grin. She waved at Seulgi and Jennie delightedly then ran towards them.

"That dumbass - I mean Lisa!" Jihyo quickly covered her mouth and corrected her word, "is finally awake!"

"I know. I was here!"

"Ready to see her, Jen?"

"As ready as I'd ever be." Jennie nodded gratefully.

When the glass door slid opened, Lisa's eyes were still closed. Jihyo had informed Jennie that the sedative effect of the drugs were still in Lisa's system. She'd be drowsy most of the time until it's gone completely.

Jennie steadily approached Lisa's side. There were no signs Lisa was aware of her presence. Her shoulders rose up and down gently. Jennie smiled at the sight. She touched Lisa's temple with her knuckles softly.

"Hey, Baby."

Lisa stirred a bit, sensing the light brush. Gradually, she opened her eyes. She blinked a few times before a smile formed upon her lips.

"Am I in heaven?"

"God no," Jennie shook her head. "You're on earth, Baby."

"Aren't you the angel?" Lisa chuckled the grunted when the pain suddenly stabbed her stomach.

"You okay?!"

"Urg... too early for laugh, I guess."

"Take it easy, Hon."

Jennie gently caressed Lisa's abdomen, feeling the thick gauze dressing under Lisa's gown. Deliberately, Lisa lifted her heavy hand and placed in on her wife's.

"Did I sleep for too long?"

Jennie met Lisa's mellow gaze. She could see the guilt and concern there. Jennie was grateful but this was also overwhelming. It felt surreal. Lisa was awake. She had opened her yes, she held her hand, making a light joke, as if nothing bad happened. Should she wake up realizing that it was just a dream, she'd be crazy for real.


She bit her lip. "It doesn't matter now, Lisa. You're awake, y - you're not leaving me and that's all I ask for."

The patient nodded understandingly. "How are you?"

"I've been better," her lips trembled. So she tightened her grip, assuring Jennie that she was not going anywhere.

Arms of The Angels (Book II - Home (Jenlisa))Where stories live. Discover now