From a State Inspection to a Flow🌀State

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Some say that at the beginning it was all dark . Well who knows? What if it was all light AND dark. What if it was as uncomplicated as imagining the space in between your eyes? Can you imagine feeling that? Without a doubt, one thing is definitely true here and it's the fact that there is some Zen within every beginner's mind. Anyways, let's move on to the story since we know this life won't fit in a sentence 🌀 And since we are talking about facts, let me tell you one. Experiencing this life from behind the mental prison bars of your mind without some kind of mental training for sure it can feel like this life is truly a sentence🌀

I lived trapped in my head for 20 something years until the hard knocks got a little too real. Then I decided to change my life. So I started to change behaviors and company; while at the same time installing some new mind apps. While I was searching I found this mental training program called Open Focus. Yo, was this guy for real?!? The creator of Open Focus, Dr. Les Fehmi was asking me to imagine feeling the space in between my ears lol but I'm serious.

Just to let you know, I am a nurse and back then I used to work night shift in a skilled nursing facility. So one night at around 2 am on my break that I always used for meditation I went to the break room, threw the headphones on and I truly listened to what the man ( Dr. Fehmi) had to say and wow....

A few minutes into doing the training I fell into a trance that I had never experienced before in my life. Then I recognized a hidden angle in the levels of perception. Space, it's REAL. Can you notice the space between your eyes and this screen?

With time, Open Focus seamlessly infests all aspects of your life. With some more time, Open Focus stops being something that you just sit down and do twice everyday to zen-out and get in the zone. It totally changes who you are, how you think, see, hear, taste and feel. Open Focus goes pandemic in your life. Until one day it hit me like a meteorite from outer space. Open Focus just wasn't a mind app! It was a damn whole new hard drive!

From the beginning I started practicing it diligently every day. But after almost
six months my practice had fallen off for a few weeks or maybe even a month. Then, the yearly state inspection arrived to the nursing facility that I worked in. This is a very stressful ordeal that I had always avoided some how or some way. But it was one of those years where I was very motivated and making all kinds of different decisions. So this time I decided to stay and work during those days and finally face it.

Pretty much, the whole inspection thing sums up as you, the nurse, go around doing your work with an inspector watching all of your moves. Any mistake you make can easily turn into thousands of dollars in fines to the facility. Well hilariously, they decided to personally inspect me on the last day of the inspection. The pressure in my mind was high and to be honest I was a little afraid. So I went into the patient's room with all of the patient's medications and this mean looking state inspection lady by my side.

All of the sudden, unconsciously, my Open Focus training just kicked in better than Lionel Messi. I looked down at my crispy clean converse shoes, and I noticed that the red color of the shoes was just extra eye catchy. Then as I looked up at the table where the medications were on, I noticed the space between my eyes and the table, and the space all around me. I felt my whole body relaxed top to bottom, muscle by muscle. Right there my anxiety and fear evaporated and the rest of this story flows like just like water 🌀. I dropped into an expansive flow state where I merged with the whole world and 2 seconds later my Chuck Taylor swag was back on. By the end of passing the medications to the patient the now not-so-mean-looking-state-lady was laughing with me and the patient. While at the same time telling me how great I did.

Like always, face your fears, master your mind and then eat the haters alive🌀

I got another Limited Edition Thought for ya : Between what's up to you and what's down to earth, you can easily find every desire's birth. Because the mind-body-connection is always there, like free WiFi at the coffee house and the only thing you got to pay for it, is, ATTENTION 🌀

#LimitedEditionThinking #FlowState

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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From a State Inspection to a Flow🌀StateWhere stories live. Discover now