CH 17: What Happened

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I make my way of bed. A hot shower and comfortable clothes feel amazing after the stress of yesterday. Walking down to breakfast is the most surreal feeling. As I made my way down the steps the pack members part way and bow. "Good morning" Luna was said by those that I passed. As I enter the dining hall I am directed to the lead seat and my breakfast is already plated for me.

"Anything else for you Luna." Mary, one of the Omegas that work the kitchen, asks.

"No everything is perfect. Thank you."

"It's been a long time since I had the joy of cooking for our Luna. If you have any requests just let me know, but I already have a list of your favorites." I don't know what to say so I just nod while drinking my juice and Mary backs away into the kitchen.

As I am finishing Gamma Raymond, Jace has yet to choose his Gamma, approachs me sitting in the chair to my right. "Good morning Luna. Can I have a word with you?"

"Sure what can I help you with." I have grown up with this man as an authority figure in my life, and now I outrank him.

"As you know my daughter has been locked up by our Alpha. I was hoping you could persuade him to release her."

"Dakota has gotten herself into some mess. I think right now the best and safest place for her is to stay where she is at."

"How can being jailed for unknown reasons be the best for her." He asks cracking just a little under the stress.

"With all due respect, but Dakota knows exactly what landed her in prison. Those reasons are why she is safer there."

"This has to do with your brother, doesn't it. Dakota gets locked up twice and now he is missing. This is all his fault. If he could just keep his dick in his pants, my pumpkin wouldn't be in the trouble she is in now." He growls out from between his teeth.

"Raymond, I'm going to say this one time. Do not mistake my kindness as a weakness. As your Luna, you will respect my decisions. If I say Dakota is safer where she is, then heed my warning. Dakota created this issue herself. I do not pretend that my brother is innocent in this, but you will keep this packs Beta's name out of your mouth. Unless you wish to be stripped of your title early for insubordination. Are we clear?" I finish with my own growl while my words hold their Luna tone.

Gamma Raymond stood before saying, "Yes Luna. I am sorry. I have forgotten myself. You will understand when you have children of your own, how easy that can happen." He bows to me before walking away.

I am done with people already today. I return to the top floor and crash on our bed. I have only been up for a few hours and I already feel exhausted. I keep playing over the Gamma's words in my head. "You will understand when you have children of your own." I can only hope that my children don't turn out to be whores like his daughter. Or my brother for that fact.

That leads me to think of Ollie. I know that whatever he did, it is because he is afraid. He is afraid that he is not good enough. That he doesn't deserve Leigh. I can't say that he does. All he has done is fuck things up every chance she has given him.

She had given up on him Friday night and by Saturday they were right back together. They looked so happy when they walked into the conference room together. You could feel how in love they were. I can't understand why he can't just accept that she is their future Queen.

I know he keeps pushing away because he didn't think the Goddess would allow him to keep her. That an Alpha female would never get paired with a Beta but he is no slack. He works harder and is smarter than most Alpha's. He seems to have accepted her as an Alpha how much more doubt did her being the Queen give him. That's the big issue here his doubt. That's why he did this to her.

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