Chapter 30

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"Oh no this isn't good" Jangmi said as she saw Taeha's body being lifted into the body bag

 The reporter said that the body was going to be tested later today. Jangmi ran back to the hospital room as fast as she could and bust through the door. By then all three boys were awake laying in the bed. 

"Guys! You won't believe what I just heard" Jangmi said

 "Jangmi? I didn't know you were here" Sunghoon smiled

 "Goodmorning" Jangmi smiled back but her expression quickly changed

 "I was in the lobby about to go get breakfast, when it said on the news they found Taeha's body" Jangmi

 The three gasped.

 "Like i-in the parking lot we were in?" Jake asked

 "No, in the ditch across Jake's house" Jangmi said worriedly

 "Oh no-" Jay said

"Across from m-my house?" Jake asked

Jangmi nodded looking at him.

 "And I'm worried because they're gonna start testing and what if they find my fingerprints on her and think I did it" Jangmi said

 "W-wait but how did she end up in the ditch, didn't we leave her at the school parking lot?" Sunghoon asked

 "That's the thing do you think she somehow brought herself to Jake's house and-" Jangmi paused

 "S-so does that mean I really did see her last night" Jangmi said

 Jay and Sunghoon were confused but Jake knew exactly what she was talking about. 

"Wait so was really she at my house last night?" Jake asked

 "Oh no this isn't good, wouldn't they find us suspicious then?" Jangmi asked

 Suddenly the police walked into the room. Jangmi and the others widened her eyes. 

"This is the moment I go to jail" Jangmi thought to herself

 "Mr. Shim can we speak to you for a moment?" the officer said

 "Mr. Shim? Shouldn't they be asking me?" Jangmi thought

 "S-sure" Jake said sitting up from his bed

 Sunghoon and Jay quickly pretended they were sleeping again. Jangmi just sat in the chair silently. 

"So if you didn't know yet, Kang Taeha was found dead in the ditch across your house this morning"

 Jake sat there and nodded silently. 

"We understand that you were in the hospital last night, so do you know anyone who could've been at your house last night?" the officer asked

 "Shit me and the other guys were getting our cars last night" Jangmi thought again

 "No sir" Jake said

 Jangmi sighed of relief in her mind

 "Alright take you for the time Mr. Shim, we'll let you know if we have any further questions" the officer said walking out of the room

 "He's out guys, you can stop sleeping now" Jake said

 Immediately Jay and Sunghoon opened their eyes. 

"Guys, I'm still worried, I was the last one to touch her" Jangmi said

 "It'll be alright we'll make sure you aren't found guilty" Sunghoon said

 "That's right, I mean after all she deserved death after holding Sunghoon captive for years" Jay said.

"Mhm she had death coming" Jake said

 "Let's turn on the Tv and see what the news is saying" Sunghoon said grabbing the remote

 "After being closely examined Miss Kang's body was found to have many bruises and cuts we thought that may have been the cause of death, but after further examination we also found she was poisoned" the news reporter said

 "Poisoned?" Jangmi said in shock

 The others just gasped. 

"How is that possible?" Jake asked

"You didn't poison in her did you?" Jay asked

 "Of course not where would I get poison?" Jangmi said

 "But surprisingly Miss Kang was found with clean clothes on and all her cuts were cleaned up, leading us to think this has been a suicide since we can't seem to find and finger prints either" the news reporter went on

 "No fingerprints?" Jake asked

 "Wait and she had clean clothes on and her cuts were cleaned too? Sunghoon said

 "Guys... it sounds like someone else killed her and not us" Jangmi said

 "Come on it makes sense right? Maybe someone cleaned her up and put her in clean clothes, and then poisoned her to make it seem like a suicide" Jangmi said

 "But who would do that? I mean no one else other than us had a grudge on her" Sunghoon said

 "Right but like they said, Taeha probably could've just went home cleaned herself up and then killed herself" Jay said

 "B-but last night I saw her and she was bloody, I even told Jake!" Jangmi said

 "It's true and now that she was found dead right in the spot Jangmi told me she saw her in, I think she really was there" Jake shrugged

 "I was the last one to pull out of the driveway too, and I didn't see any suspicious vehicles around so I don't know who could've done it" Jangmi said

 "Guy's I think that we should just let them investigate it now, since we don't have to worry anymore" Sunghoon said

 "He's right the fingerprints are gone and getting involved in this just makes us seem more suspicious" Jay said

 Jangmi just nodded, they were right even getting involved would just seem more suspicious since Taeha's body was found across from Jake's house.

Wait whattt? So what do you guys think happened to Taeha?

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