Chapter 26

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 The group quickly arrived at the hospital. 

"Guys let's go!" Jangmi said as she noticed Sunghoon was close to passing out

 As the group helped escort the three that needed medical attention, they couldn't help but notice the stares and whispers they got. 

"Wait oh my! Isn't that Park Sunghoon?" they heard a lady ask

 Jangmi rushed through the doors.

 "Hello young lady how may I help you?" the receptionist asked

 "We have three people is critical condition, well one of them we don't really know how severe it is" Jangmi said quickly

 "Ah ok where are they?" she asked

 Jangmi stepped aside. The receptionist's jaw dropped.

 "P-Park Sunghoon?" she stuttered as she quickly let the hospital know

 "Please get them help quick!" Jangmi said frantically

 The receptionist quickly realized she had to do her job so she quickly so she called for three rooms. Quickly the nurses and doctors got the three checked into a room. 

"Young lady, you look pretty beat up yourself are you ok?" the nurse asked

 "I'm completely fine" Jangmi smiled

 "Ok we'll check out these young gentlemen and tell you guys what's wrong" the nurse said 

"Thanks" Jangmi smiled

 The group sat in the waiting room relieved that their friends were getting the attention they needed. 

"We can finally relax for a bit" Jangmi sighed as she slumped over in her chair

 Suddenly just as the group began to relax a storm of reporters stormed into the entrance of the hospital. 

"We heard Park Sunghoon was found and he is at this hospital right now!" a reporter yelled 

"Where is Park Sunghoon!" another one called out

 Cameras were visible and so were crowds of people. 

"How'd the news spread so fast" Ni-ki said as he looked at the crowd of reporters and news channels

 Jangmi just stood still as she looked at the crowd. 

"We're gonna have to ask you guys to exit the hospital at this time, Mr. Park is not up for questioning and is being examined right now" a loud voice said over the intercom speaker

 "So he's here at this hospital?" a reporter asked making the crowd go crazy and just even more desperate

 Suddenly security guards showed up put of no where and pushed the crowd of reporters out the door. But all did was leave an angry mob outside of the entrance of the hospital. 

"Great this is gonna be fun trying to get them out of here" Sunoo groaned

 The others just nodded as they were too exhausted to say anything. After what seemed like forever the doctor finally came out.

 "Are you guys the ones who brought Sunghoon here?" she asked

 The group nodded.

 "Ok so here are the updates on their conditions, Jay and Jake are doing fine besides some minor bruises and cuts other then that they can be discharged tomorrow morning" the doctor said

 Jangmi sighed in relief and she hear the others too. 

"But in Sunghoon's case it looks like he has been suffering abuse for years, as far as we can tell there are untreated wounds and bad bruises, he's also suffering from malnutrition and he's on a feeding tube and IV right now" the doctor sighed

 "O-oh has he woken up yet?" Jangmi asked

 "Not yet, we are trying to get him in stable condition but I'm glad you guys took him to the hospital when you did, if you guys waited only about a day longer he would've been dead by now" the doctor said

 Jangmi's heart dropped, just those words made her lose it. 

"I'll leave you guys here now, you guys can visit in a bit" the doctor said as she walked away

 Jangmi started crying.

 "Jangmi why are you crying? We did it we found Sunghoon and Jay and Jake are safe" Jungwon said as he pulled her into a hug

 "What if I found Sunghoon earlier? Then he wouldn't be in this condition" Jangmi sobbed

 "Hey listen, didn't you hear what the doctor said? She said if we found him any later he wouldn't have made it" Jungwon said

 "So don't beat yourself up over this, at least we found him in time" 

 Jangmi just nodded. 

"Of course why am I always so sensitive" Jangmi said

 "Don't say that, you've been through a lot it's ok to let it out" Heeseung smiled

 "You're right thanks so much guys, I wouldn't know where I'd be without your help" Jangmi smiled and pulled them all in a group hug. 

Happy New Years Everyone! I hope you're year is going great so far and I hope this year will be much better than last! 

Sorry [Park Sunghoon] An Enhypen ffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon