
What else could you do? You almost got shot. Twice, to be exact. Although, to be fair Levi had no intention of doing so.

You also could not believe that your mother had an indirect connection with Levi, who was wanted by cops (also, who you kissed many times. But that wasn't the point.)

The best part was that you were also wanted - your head on a platter to satisfy Kenny Ackerman's revenge plot. Talk about petty.

"Shit." Classic Levi.

"What?" You looked to Levi, who had stopped the car.

An uneasy feeling seeps into your chest. A heavy, heart-pounding, weight that sunk you into the seat. For someone who'd been consistently tortured by the universe, you would think you'd be granted a well-deserved break by now. But of course, the universe said otherwise.

"Why did you stop the car...?"

"I'm irritated."

You decided that questioning him further wouldn't make the situation any better, so you stayed put with your hands laced in your lap.

There was that moment of silence when his grey eyes regarded yours, and for a second there, you could have sworn your breath had just been taken away. You noted the expression in his eyes, which were wary and guarded. No matter how good looking he was you couldn't ignore the fact that he was angry.

"Why did you shoot back there?" You finally asked after some time.

Levi glanced outside. He had stopped in the midst of a vacant parking lot.

"Because of those shitheads." He gestured to the rearview mirror, revealing a group of older men walking towards the car.

"Oi, Levi! We may be old but we aren't stupid." A muffled voice erupted from outside, it was threatening and almost sarcastic. But it was enough to have you recoil in your seat.

Levi scoffed. "They were watching me, waiting to make sure I killed you."

You looked away, inadvertently lowering yourself back into the small space beneath the glove compartment. If it meant hiding from whoever the fuck those people were, then you could deal with the cramped area.

"Stay here," Levi stated firmly. "Don't leave until I tell you to. You listen to me, and me only."

You nodded, hands finding their way to cover your mouth. Levi stepped out, armed with nothing but the same gun he had just held to your face before.

A black car, definitely not as lavish as Levi's, had pulled up just a few meters away from the two of you.

"Long time no see, midget." The driver of the car, dressed in an all white, open-collard shirt takes a step out of his driver's seat. Subsequently, others seemed to have appeared seconds after.

There were at least six of them, three of which Levi recognized and all of which who worked under Kenny Ackerman himself. Perhaps his uncle had sent them on his own behalf, out of spite or maybe even to quell his usual boredom.

"What's the occasion?" said Levi, eyeing their cheap suits. He's not afraid to walk closer to the group.

At his words, the driver began to shake his head slowly. "Levi, boy. Tell me why you're keeping that girl with you? The boss wanted her dead, yet you're keeping her like a dog."

"She's more so of a kitten," was all Levi had to say.

His aloof attitude must have pissed them off because they all snarled at him, one of them even readying the bat in his hand. These men had no time for such small talk, especially if it wasn't even serious.

"We simply think it's not fair that Kenny gets to pick you as his favourite, someone who does shit all." The man glared at Levi, inching closer to him. "If you weren't his niece, I'd put a bullet through your head right now."

"Nephew, dipshit. Seems like you're worried about the wrong head, go back to school."

"Why you little -"

Before Levi could turn away, he was met with an unexpected punch to the face, sending him to the concrete. He hits his head on the ground below, leaving him stunned for a few short moments.

"Think again before you decide to fuck with me," the man spat, literally. "Get her out. Let's have some fun."

Levi Ackerman staggered to his feet, slightly unsteady and absolutely pissed off. More so at himself for letting his guard down and less at the man for having the audacity to touch him, especially with that filthy hand of his.

"Wow, she's cute." A burly man chuckled when he had yanked you by the wrist, dragging your body out of Levi's car.

Levi glares. Bastard.

Both you and Levi were bedraggled messes - one wiping blood from his nose and the other struggling against a tight grip. You had managed to spit on the larger man, earning irritated profanity. But that wasn't enough for him to let go.

"Levi Ackerman, The Alpha." The driver saunters around in a circle. "Wanted by the cops for about... 4 million."

"And the girl?"

"400 million, dead."

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