I'm pretty sure she just called me weird looking..I roll my eyes "Hi there. I'm Light's girlfriend, Misa Amane. Nice to meet you." She greeted

"I'm Hideki Ryuga" L introduced. "And this here is Kohana.." He patted the side of my face

"Huh? Hideki Ryuga?"

"Yeah, he had the exact same first and last name as the famous Idol. pretty bizarre, huh?" Light came between. It looked like he was trying to push her away...Why?

L started to laugh. "Light. You're a lucky guy. I have been a huge fan of yours ever since the August issue of Eighteen."

"What? Really, That's so sweet of you"

"-Hey! Oh my God, Isn't that girl Misa-Misa?"
"-You're right! It's her!"

2 girls ran up crowding Misa. More and more people started coming by once they heard Misa is on campus. There's too much people..

"Wow, I should've guessed I'd be spotted with all these kids around." Misa smiled. Yeah no shit, you're a celebrity.

"R-Ryuga. I d-don't want to be here a-anymore..." I cling onto him more. "Yes. We will be leaving soon" He whispered

"-I'm, like, your biggest fan!"
"-Keep up the good work"

I scoff.

"No way! Somebody just touched my butt!" Misa turned around. Did- L just...


L waved his arms in the air, I slight lose grip but haven't fallen off yet. "This is an outrage! Taking advantage of this situation is unforgivable. I will find whoever is responsible for this." He ran infront of Misa.

"Did y-you seriously do t-that?" I whisper

She giggled. "Oh, Ryuga, you're so funny!"

"......" I just want to leave..

"Bye, Light! I'll see you after I'm done work, miss you already!" Misa waved.

"Now then, perhaps we should get going." L spoke. Everyone left, finally.
"Actually, could you go on ahead? I need to go use the restroom." Light said.

"Oh okay then I'll see you there"

We start walking off. I wonder what Light's gonna do now. I look back, he's pulled out a phone.


I look back at L and he's got a phone. Red. "Is that Misa's phone?" I ask. He nods "Hello?"
"Oh, is that you, Light? I guess someone must have dropped this phone in all the commotion earlier on." I laugh. He took it.

"Uh, Hello?"

"-I can give it back to her." Light walked up. I turn my head and smirk.
"-I see. Sure, that makes sense" He sounds innocent, heh.

L hung up. He gave the phone back and we walked away. {Ring!} "Oh, this time it's actually my cellphone" He cleared his voice "Yes? Yes, I see. So, it's done then?" He ended the call

"I'm not exactly sure how you'll take this, but regarding Misa Amane, there's something you should know. We've taken her into custody under suspicion of being the Second Kira" L deadpanned. I chuckle.

Maybe this time, we can actually find evidence against Light. He has a relationship with Misa, so of course he would know something about the Second Kira.

"We've gathered p-physical evidence from the envelopes that were sent by the S-Second Kira. We have recovered h-hairs and fibers from the tape to seal them." I chuckle. Light looked shocked.

"They matched what we found in Misa's room" Me and L unison.

"There would be public outroar if it gets out that she's been apprehended as the Second Kira. So, officially, we've charged her manager with drug possession and she's a voluntary witness."

"But I doubt any of this would get out."


L sat behind me. "Watari, has she said anything yet?" L asked. "No, she hasn't spoken a word." He answered I sigh. Being out there was kind of exhausting.. "Get me a visual of her, will you?"

"Are you sure?"
"Yes, and quickly."


Misa appeared. She was strapped down and a metal blind fold. She looked pale

End of chapter 17

As Y/n spoke during that scene they felt confident in themselves, thus no stutter. It was a serious time for them to act their part as a detective. So that's why they didn't stutter if anyone is confused

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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