The Moment I Knew(Wendy)

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Inspired by: The Moment I Knew by Taylor Swift

Shot #1: It's Wendy's Sweet 16 tonight and she has everything a teenage girl could ever want for her party- except her dignity, of course. As she suffers through hours of loneliness and despair, she waits patiently for the love of her life to walk through those doors; the only gift she wants tonight.

"Happy 16th birthday- Wanda, is it?"

"Thank you." I utter with yet another plastic grin, not bothering to correct the oh-so-terrible butchering of my name. I don't even recognize half the people who decided to show up at this crap-fest you call a party. I begged my mother continuously not to have this party, but she always had this idea of dressing her daughter up in makeup and heels, only to have a not-so-rosy me parade around a hall of drunken guests who may or may not be looking at me the wrong way. Don't get me wrong- I understand my mother wasn't able to have her own Sweet 16 when she was younger, but something about all of this just seems cruel and unusual.

If anything, majority of the guests only came to win 'social points' from my mother, or whatever the hell you call those things that decide your worth and whom you can talk to. Everyone admires my mother and everybody wants her to notice them somehow, which includes coming to a Sweet 16 supposedly meant for a teenage girl that suddenly becomes a Sweet 40 for that same girl's mother.

"You ungrateful bitch!" Mother raged as she smacked her palm across my cheek. "After all I've done for you, this is how you react?" No matter how hard I try to forget it, that same scene from earlier this morning runs through my mind repeatedly. Maybe if Stan was here, I'd be able to distract myself. I try to suppress the pessimism to make her happy, but I can't help but slip in a frown every now and then. Is this supposed to be the most magical night of my life? The night those teenage girls in the movies obsess over to no end, with the pretty-pink dresses and heels as tall as a tower?

Seeing how she believes most of my friends are rotten asswipes, I consider myself quite lucky she even let me invite any of my friends. Except Bebe, of course; Mother treats that girl like her own daughter, so she just HAD to come. If I should be straightforward, all I really want is Stan here. Every day for the past two weeks, he would assure me he was going to attend this party no matter what. "Don't worry, babe, I'll be there." "What should I wear?" "I'll stay the entire night with you."


"Wendy, hey!" Bebe hollers as she makes her way over to my table. "This party is, like, going so great! Come on, what are you doing standin' around here? Why aren't ya dancin'?" She questions with a slur. It's just like her to drink at every party she attends.

"Oh, just waiting for Stan..." I respond with a shrug before peering out the windows of the hall.

I can feel her gaze burning the back of my head. I know what she's thinking: that I'm delusional, that Stan's a douchebag, that he chose to go play video games instead of coming to my party, but I don't need a perfect princess like her questioning my mindset or insulting my boyfriend when her own boy toy is always playing around on the side. "Wendy...he's an hour late..." She clutches my shoulder, causing me to suddenly turn and stare into her pity-filled eyes. "Just give him a little more time. I'm sure he's still getting ready. I really need to get back to Clyde; he's waiting for me." She shoots me a faint smile before walking back to Clyde and our 'friends'. At least someone was happy tonight.

I desperately keep my eyes on the window, foolishly thinking each new person that steps in will be Stan- only to be disappointed. The time was ticking, with only five lovely hours left of this moronic party. "Boo!" I feel a harsh exertion on my back and my head smashes against the wall.

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