"There is an inflatable raft in the closet!" Davenport told us and I finally closed the door. I leaned on it and looked worriedly at Leo and then glanced at the trio.

"Woohoo!!! Partah in the lab!!!" Adam cheered while Bree joined him. They were all smiling until Leo shot them down.

"Did you here why Davenport said!?! We're supposed to be responsible." Leo said, thinking they would not misinterpret it.

"I'll be responsible for the snacks! You two are responsible for blowing up that raft!!" He commanded while pointing at me and Leo. "Woohoo!! Partah in the lab!!!" Adam repeated happily. They all happily ran towards the elevator and me and Leo looked at each other.

"And he's worried about us?! Mostly me?!" Leo asked mostly to no one in particular.

"I know right! Probably forgot about their teenager side of their lives." I say while crossing my arms and squinting my eyes. Leo nods and we both run into the lab, totally forgetting about what the trio were able to do.

Once we reached the lab, we saw Chase on Davenport's computer, Adam with a bunch of random snacks, and Bree absolutely no where in the lab.

"Chase what are you doing on Davenport's computer?!" I ask him while looking at him and stealing quick glances at the computer. His bank account?!?!

"I'm pulling a prank on him. The next time he checks his bank account, it'll be in euros! Bam!"

"You know it's the same value right?" I ask him as I cross my arms.

"Yeah, but still funny, right?!" Chase exclaims. Leo pulls Chase's chair, along with him and Chase grabs the keyboard. I grab the keyboard and placed it on Davenport's desk. Suddenly a breeze came in and we saw Bree in weird clothing. Her hair was up weirdly and she even had fake long nails!

"Where were you?!" Leo shouted at her.

"More like what are you wearing, girl?!" I ask. I gestured to her clothing by raising my hand up and down while it was pointed to her.

"Well, I was headed for New York City, but I got stuck in Jersey! Check out ma bling. Boom! How'd you like dem sparklez!" Bree told us in, what I think, a Brooklyn accent. She showed us her 'bling' and it was huge hoop earrings that dangled in her hair.

"Bree! Look at what you did! You got butterscotch all over my broccoli!" Adam said, which I never expected him to ever say. He grabbed a price of broccoli and ate it and me and Leo looked disgusted. "What a delicious mistake!"

"Oh sorry Adam. I meant to get it on ya face!" Bree grabbed the spoon in the butterscotch and threw the butterscotch. Me, Leo, and Adam ducked and the gloop collided with Chase's face. I stood up and covered my mouth to stop laughing but failed. Bree cheered and I high-fived her while Adam wanted to lick Chase's face, and yuck! We all stood up and Chase was angry.

"Bree, you are going down!" He threatened.

"Bring it! Destiny, hold my hoops!" She took her earring off and gave them to me and I admired them while Bree as Chase got in position to food fight each other.

"Stop, stop, stop! I really want this weekend to go good for me." Leo told them.

"Chill out, Leo. What's the big deal. We're just having a little fun!" Chase answered.

"I'm not! If Big D trusts me to stay home alone, then he'll give me a project in the lab, and then he'll let me go on a mission with you! Do you guys want me to join you?!" Leo told them.

"Ehh." "Not really." "Not so much." They responded.

"Well Destiny wants me to join you guys. Right Destiny?!" He asks while nudging my arm.

The Hidden Bionic (~Lab Rats FF: Season 1~) -COMPLETED-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin