Chapter 6

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Oikawa knew he fucked up. Between the fact that he had numerous missed texts and calls from Shouyou, the disappointment Iwazumi had on his face, and the threat he received from a random number he was sure belonged to the other omega on Shouyou's team, Oikawa knew he had royally fucked up.

But it's not his fault!

The night before he was supposed to meet up with his little mate, he had forgotten to plug his phone in to charge, resulting in it being nearly dead the next morning. Not only that, but he had a morning practice he had forgotten about until twenty minutes prior. He had to run all the way to the school in order to make it on time. He had tried to text Shouyou and tell him he might be a little late because of the practice, but his phone died when he was halfway through writing the text. Not only that, but none of his teammates or himself had managed to bring a charger along that morning.

The practice ended up going way longer than it was originally scheduled for and Oikawa hadn't even noticed it until he felt how extremely upset Shouyou was. By then it was starting to get late and Oikawa knew that Shouyou would have already left the cafe, so once he was dismissed he ran back to his place and immediately plugged his phone in. It took a few minutes for it to start up again, but eventually he was able to read all the texts his mate had sent.

They all got a little more heart breaking the further he read on.

Oikawa roughly ran a hand through his hair and hit the call button, but it was almost instantly declined. So he called back again, and again, and again. After maybe ten minutes of that routine, he let out a frustrated growl and threw his phone across the room, not even caring if it broke against a wall.

Oikawa let himself fall back on his bed as he absently stared up at the ceiling and tried to not think about the little orange ball of fluff, whose heart he had just broken.


When the next morning rolled around and Shouyou was a bit more calm, Diachi got a little annoyed that he still had no clue what had happened the previous day.

"So is someone gonna fill me in on what happened last night?" He asked, looking over at his mate and Shouyou.

Both omega's froze at the question. Although they both knew it was Diachi and he would never get upset with Shouyou for something as out of his control like who his mate ended up being, they both hesitated. What if his hatred for the other team's captain really was that strong?

"My mate stood me up yesterday." Shouyou finally mumbled out, but not revealing the identity of his mate.

Diachi's eyes grew wide at the revelation. "Who is it?" He calmly asked a few seconds later. He totally wasn't planning out the best way to get away with murder.

"It's not important, he clearly doesn't want me anyway." Shouyou said with an absentminded shrug, emotionally drained from the other day.

Suga sighed and grabbed the younger male's shoulders. "Look, I know that your alpha standing you up was terrible and it's really messing with your head right now, but I think you need to talk to him before you just decide that he's rejected you. Something could have happened to him, something could have happened to his phone, there's plenty of reasons why he didn't show up and why he didn't answer his phone. Just give him a chance to explain himself."

'But if he doesn't have a good reason, I'll skin him alive.' The overprotective omega added silently.

With a heavy sigh, Shouyou spoke once again. "I guess you're right. But if he rejects me, you're responsible for the mess that'll be my emotional state."

"Of course." Suga said with a nod.

Shouyou groaned as he pushed himself off the couch he had slept on last night. "I don't even know what happened to my phone." He mumbled, looking around the surrounding area.

"Here." Daichi said, handing him the device. He had picked it up off the floor last night, figuring that the orange haired boy would want it in the morning.

Shouyou took it with a small smile, mumbling his thanks as he flipped it on and scrolled through his messages. Other than the missed calls he had declined the other day, there wasn't any word from Oikawa. Although Shouyou had been expecting that, he couldn't help the feeling of disappointment that sunk in when he saw it with his own eyes.

He clicked on his mate's contact name and hit the call button. It wasn't early by any means, he had definitely slept in, so he had a feeling Oikawa was already up.

But when a few seconds passed and Shouyou's call was sent to voicemail, the sharp pain from the previous day made itself known once again.

"Voicemail, he doesn't want to talk to me." He mumbled, turning his phone off and tossing it on the couch next to him.

Daichi shrugged, "Maybe he just isn't up yet."

"I was sent straight to voicemail, either his phone is trashed or he doesn't want to talk to me." Shouyou said with a dull look.

"Maybe his phone's trashed, you won't know until you actually talk to him." Suga said, rubbing Shouyou's shoulder in an attempt to comfort the other omega.

Shouyou shrugged his hand off, climbing to his feet. "How am I supposed to do that? If his phone's trashed I'm screwed. I have no other way to talk to him." He pointed out, his voice sounding more and more distressed.

The room was quiet for a few seconds as that reality set in for all three males. Until Suga hesitantly spoke up.

"Um... that's not entirely true..." He mumbled quietly.

"Well then?" Shouyou asked. It wasn't in a snarky tone, he was just stressed out and wanted a way to make the anxiety go away.

"We know where he goes to school." Sugawara finally said, making Shouyou freeze.

"I am not showing up at Aobajohsai unannounced. What if he really is just avoiding me? Do you know how embarrassing that would be?" Shouyou whined, already imagining the worst case scenarios in his head.

Daichi's eyes widened at the new information. "Wait, wait, wait. Aobajohsai?" He asked, making both omega's snap their heads to look at him.

"Who's your mate, Hinata?..." Daichi asked slowly.

Shouyou scratched the back of his neck. "Um... Well you see..."

I GOT IT TO WORK! I have to copy and paste chapters from docs, to my notes, to here. It's a process, but I did it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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