Chapter 5

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I haven't written in a very very long time, and I just did a quick scan of chapter 4 before writing this one, so I'm sorry if there's any plot errors or something. I'm also sorry I haven't been writing at all, I've just been having a rough few months and it's gotten pretty bad recently but I need a creative outlet right now so I decided to try writing again. I'm sorry if this isn't an official come back and I don't start posting regularly. I'm trying, I promise.

Shouyou's breath came out in slight pants as he slowed to a walk on approaching the cafe he was supposed to meet Oikawa at. His heart was beating crazyily, from nerves or the physical activity he wasn't sure, and his stomach was in knots.

"Calm down. You've already met  him and talked to him a whole bunch. He seems like a nice guy, plus he's your mate. You have nothing to worry about." The omega whispered to himself as he walked up to the door.

'Yeah, that's what every omega thinks, right before their mate turns out to be crazy, or abusive, or a murderer, or- No, stop that. You're scaring yourself for no reason.' He thought, shaking his head before finally building the nerve to walk into the cafe.

Shouyou scanned the cafe, but he didn't catch sight of his brunette mate. With a small frown, he picked a booth off to the side and sat down to wait.

And wait he did.

For two hours.

The poor omega waited for two hours for Oikawa to show up. He had sent a few texts asking if the alpha was okay, but they weren't even opened.

Thankfully, Shouyou had brought his math things to study and work on homework, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

But he couldn't say it didn't hurt. He had been stood up by his mate, how pathetic was that? He couldn't even get his own mate to show up. With a heavy sigh and watery eyes, Shouyou packed up his things, paid his bill, and walked out of the cafe.

"Shoulda just kept it at my place, at least then I wouldn't have had to walk for the disappointment." He mumbled as he kicked a rock.

He sniffled as he walked up the front path to his house. He managed to actually get the door unlocked and make it in before his tears started to flow.

Shouyou rubbed at his chest, where a dull ache had started. He felt utterly rejected. Oikawa, his mate, had stood him up and neglected to call or text with any sort of explanation. It was enough to convince any omega that their mate didn't want them.

Shouyou fumbled into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. Ignoring the fact there still wasn't any word from Oikawa, he pulled up his contacts and hit call when he found the person he was looking for.

"Hinata? Everything okay? I thought you were supposed to be studying with Oikawa today." Sugawara said as soon as he answered.

As soon as the vice captain had seen Shouyou's contact name pop up on his phone, he knew the call would go one of two ways. Either the omega would be gushing over how his mate was an angel sent from above, or he'd be unbelievably upset with how the date went.

Suga was disheartened to find out it was the latter.

Shouyou only sobbed on the other end, too worked up to even say anything. Sugawara sighed and basically went into full mother mode.

"Deep breaths, okay? Calm down a little so you can tell me what happened. Can you do that for me?" Suga said in a soft and caring voice. He knew he couldn't be much help if he didn't know what was wrong, so that was first on his to-do list.

Shouyou managed to tone down his crying, if only for a brief second, and tell Suga. "H-he nev-never showed up!"

While Sugawara seemed completely calm on the outside, he was absolutely livid on the inside. His mate, who was scrolling through his own phone across the room from Suga, snapped his head up when he sensed just how mad his mate was.

"Did you try texting or calling him? Maybe he just got held up doing something or forgot." Sugawara suggested, hoping that the orange haired boy's mate wasn't the complete trash the whole team thought he was.

"Y-yeah, he never re-responded." Shouyou answered, wrapping his free arm around himself as he sunk down the wall and hit the ground.

"Oh hunny," Suga mumbled as he pushed himself to his feet and snapped at his boyfriend to do the same. "Daichi and I are coming over, okay? We'll pick up a bunch of snacks and movies, while you grab every blanket and pillow you can find and bring them to the living room, got it?"

Shouyou wasn't exactly in the mood to spend time with the other two boys, but he knew he couldn't argue with Sugawara. Besides, maybe the company would cheer him up a bit, at the very least offer a distraction.

"Okay." He mumbled in a small voice, dreading the fact he'd now have to get up and gather the materials.

"Good, good." Sugawara muttered back, distracted as he looked around his room for what he needed. Daichi was following after him, completely in the dark about the whole situation other than the fact he and his mate were going somewhere and bringing food. "Be there soon, okay?"

"Okay." Shouyou answered again before the call ended.

He let his head fall back against the wall with a small thud, staring blankly at the other wall ahead of him. His head was so full of thoughts, yet so completely empty at the same time. Like there were so many, moving around so fast, he couldn't grasp or make out a single one. It was easier to just sit back and ignore it all.

He wasn't sure how long he sat there, only a few minutes if he had to guess, before his ring tone snapped him out of it. Lazily glancing down, Shouyou saw who the caller was.


With a slight whimper, the omega declined the call. He didn't need to answer it and have Oikawa vocalize all his thoughts. That he was a bad omega. That he was a bad mate. That Oikawa would have rather gotten stuck with anyone else.

It didn't matter much that he had declined the call. Oikawa just called back again. And again. And again. Until Shouyou was crying with his head in his knees and his phone ringing next to him.

The omega was going through a bit of a psychotic break from, what he thought and knew to be, rejection.

Plus his heat was close so his hormones were all over the place, cut him some slack seeing as I know most of you are gonna be in the comments complaining about over reactions.

He was so caught up in his phone ringing, that he didn't notice the knocks on his door. Suga got fed up with Shouyou not answering and just pushed the unlocked door open, only to find the other omega in a pitiful state.

The silver haired omega was quick to give the food he was holding over to his mate and rush to Shouyou's side. He glanced at the phone and sneered at the contact. Hitting decline, he also turned the ringer off, giving the smaller omega a little bit of peace.

"C'mon, let's get you to the couch. Daichi will bring over the snacks and we can all just relax, sound good?" Suga whispered to Shouyou while cradling him to his chest and trying to stop the sobs.

The orange haired boy weakly nodded and allowed his vice captain to guide him to the couch. The two omega got curled up next to each other, under a few blankets and patiently waited as Daichi put a movie on and brought over the snacks, taking a seat next to his mate.

Between the background lull of the movie and Suga gently combing his fingers through Shouyou's hair, it was only a matter of twenty minutes before the small omega was out like a light.

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