Chapter 5 - The Tests

Start from the beginning

"This task is simple yet challenging. All you have to do is make it to the other end of the town, but the catch is you can't get caught by our seekers. They will be on the look out for you and will try to find you. You may split up or stick together, either would work. If you are caught you will fail this test and will return to your room, good luck," Caelum announced to the girls.

The girls scurried to the side of one of the structures.

"Together?" Katara asked

"Together," Azula replied.

With that they made their way through the town sticking to the shadows. They could see one of the seekers at one point and carefully went around them. To communicate they used hand signals that told which way to go or if someone was coming. One of them accidentally knocked a box over and had to seek shelter because within seconds a seeker was their searching. One hid in a corner and the other hid on the roof of the closet. The seeker walked into the shelter and looked all over but didn't find the girls. Once he walked out they both internally exhaled in relief. They kept going and eventually made it to the other end of the town. Viribus and Caelum were waiting for them with a stopwatch in their hand. Once they masters saw the girls they stopped the watch and were shocked. The girls had broken the speed record for the test. They dismissed the girls back to their room.

The next day they only had two more tests. The girls passed them both using their past personal knowledge and recently gained knowledge to pass them. They were announced to be officially separated from their group and become a duo.


When we got back from the announcement I unceremoniously plopped on my bed while Katara went to take a shower. I was proud of the work we had done the past two days.

I've learned more about Katara than I thought I ever would. Before I wouldn't thought her capable of being an assassin but this place changes people, it changed me too. She still has her old personality but now there is something more. She looks more confident, more capable. I never thought she could take a life, I still don't think she can. But this place will change that whether she likes it or not. I hope taking a life doesn't change her too much.

I won't ever admit it but I think I'm starting to grow a friendship with the former water tribe girl. In the league we aren't separated by the nations, we are all a collected group united. I wonder how the rest of my life will be. Whatever it is I'm sure it'll be better than sitting in that cell waiting to die.

Katara got out of the bathroom and it was my turn to wash up.


I got out of the shower letting Azula have her turn in there. She seemed deep in thought but I didn't question. This place I believe helped up put past our differences. I learned things about Azula, things that help me understand her better. When's she not doing her fathers bidding she had quite a character. I don't know about her but I can see a future friendship with her.

Never would I have thought that I would've almost died, been recruited to become an assassin, and almost befriend the girl who tried to kill me. I don't know about this place though. I'm not sure if I have it in me to kill. The only reason I killed Yon Rha was because he killed my mother. The feeling was exhilarating but later I felt guilty and I couldn't believe I took a life. Maybe my opinion will change on the matter, maybe I'll be able to kill, maybe I'll learn to control or turn off my emotions. The league has changed my life forever. I wonder if I'll ever miss my old life. Is it bad to say that I don't at the moment?


Third Person
The girls continued the next 7 years as one of the best duos the league had ever seen. They were both 21 years of age, they trained their minds and their bodies for any situation. They were taught how to turn off certain emotions, this helped Katara in turning off her guilt or any emotion that stopped her from completing her mission. They were taught to be cold, heartless, and only trust each other. They had been on many missions to take out people who were getting in the way, apart of a threatening organization, hurting others, or ex league members on the run.

In starting a new life with the league the girls (now women) had to come up with new names, in any language they desired, anything they wanted. They chose to use the language the league uses exclusively, the Latin language. Katara chose the name Mare which means Sea and Azula chose the name Solis which means Sun. Neither of them had heard their old names in years.

Mare and Solis became the leagues A Team when it came to recon missions or assassinations. Neither of them were like they were before the league. Mare was able to kill and learned skills that hide her emotions and make her more cold. Solis became aware that Mare was her equal and was capable of having feelings/emotions other than hate. Both of their fighting styles improved and became true domini (masters) of their elements.

They also learned the art of conning. Wiggling their ways to lives to be able to take them out, leaving no trail they were ever there.

Hello to you, hope your day is going well. Here is another chapter, not that any one is seeing them. I'm thinking of adding a twist to the next chapter and I'm going to start writing more and more in third person. Have a nice day and stay safe.
- ally

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