"Well I'm off to Alex's house cya Sam" I said and walked to my car. On the way to Alex's house I was jamming out to uptown funk, since that's what the radio was playing. I pulled into Alex's driveway and knocked.

"Coming" was all I heard before the door swung open.

"I'm guessing you are here for your note," she said and I nodded.

"Come in" she said and opened the door as I walked in. She handed me a bag like the one Sam gave me. I opened the bag and saw a white scarf. Then read the note.

Dear Jaimie,
I'm sure you are tired of all the running around so don't worry you are almost done. Do you like your scarf, Alex picked it out for me to give to you. Please put it on when you put you dress on:) the next stop is Danny's house.
~Jimmy <3

"Bye Alex" I said and walked out, I was trying to hurry so I could get this done.
When I pulled up to Danny's house I got out and knocked.
"It's unlocked" he yelled.

"Hey Danny" I said

"Hi Jaimie here's you note and gift form Jimmy" he said and handed it to me. I opened the black box to see the bracelet My mom got me for me of my 18th birthday, thats why he asked to barrow it last week.

Dear Jaimie,
Now you know why I needed to barrow your bracelet, again please wear this tonight. The next stop is Neil and Taylor's house.
~Love Jimmy <3

"Bye Danny" I said and walked out the door.

"Bye" he yelled back.

*at Taylor's and Neil's house*
"Here's your stuff Jimmy left for you," Taylor said giving me a box with a note. I opened the box to see combat boots with white boot socks.

Dear Jaimie,
Like the boots and socks, Taylor got it for me to give to you. Now for the last stop my house, I won't be here but there is a key at the bottom of the box. When you go in bring all the stuff I gave you and put it on. There is a note on the counter.
~Love Jimmy <3

I drove to Jimmy's house got out with all my bags and walked in. I went into the bathroom and put everything on. Then went to the kitchen to find the note.

My beautiful girlfriend who I love so much, please meet me back to the place where it all started, the park. I can't wait for you to see what I have planned for you, I think you will love it.
~love Jimmy <3

I walked out side and got in the car. When I got to the park I got out and walked up the hill. By now it was dark out. When I got to the top I could see lanterns and rose petals making a path way. There was a note on the first lantern.

Jaimie follow the path
~love Jimmy.

I walked down and it took me to the lake but made a right to go to gazebo. In the gazebo was my wonderful boyfriend sitting at a table with a plate of grilled chicken with salad and mashed potatoes. He got up and I walked over to him. He pulled out my seat for me.
"Jimmy thank you so much, you didn't have to do this all for me," I said then took a bite of my of the chicken.

"Jaimie yes I did you are the best girlfriend in the world and I love you and want to do everything I can to make you happy," he replied.

"Well thank you, and I'm sorry I forgot you presents at home,"

"You didn't have to get me anything,"

"Um after all this I think I should and glad I did," I said.

"So babe how was your day," he asked.

"Well the whole day I was running all over the place but it was great how was yours," I asked

"Good, and even better now that you are here"

*Jimmy's p.o.v this morning*

I woke up, today is the day that I have been planning for the last three weeks. I got up and got in the shower. When I got out it was 12:00 I still had time so I went downstairs, and made breakfast. I sat down and watched tv for an hour and a half. At 1:30 I left and went to the park to meet Garret there.
"Hey Garret" I said and gave him the note to give to Jaimie
"Thanks again for doing this" I said.
"No problem dude" he said as I walked away. I then went to Antoine's, Sam's, Alex's, Danny's, and Taylor's and Neil's house to give them the things I needed them to give to Jaimie. When I was done it was about 4:30 I had about and hour. I went home and made the food then brought it to the park and set everything up I sat down and a couple minutes later the most beautiful girl cam down and smilied. I pulled put her chair. She thanked me for all of this, if only she knew this wasn't all I had planned.
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