yandere! eddie

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"here you are?" the thick accent sent shivers down her spine as the closet door swung open. "it's my house, you can't run from me." eddie laughed as (name) managed to slide past his grasp. with sweat running down her forehead into her eyes the female has to make sure she doesnt run into her boyfriend, or in this case, her psychotic ex boyfriend. 


"he's weird dont date him. hes gonna kill you or something." 

"oh shut up, gabby. youre just jealous im getting a boyfriend?" (name) laughed as her best friend rolled her eyes. meanwhile, (name) had her focus on the boy walking into the cafeteria with a cold stare, students moving out of the way, all fearing of obstructing the male. "see how everyone is avoiding him? our friendship is over if hes really what youre settling for." gabby said as she shot the female a glance. to no one's surprise, the female didnt tear her eyes from the male. "im serious. but i guess this is it." gabby said as she left, still earning no reaction from the female. 

"babe! youre here!" (name) beamed as she watched the male take a seat in front of her, ignoring the murmuring from the other students. it wasnt surprising for people to start avoiding (name) after she started dating the weird kid at school, where it was rumored that he was a serial killer of sorts. "hes just on the quieter side, and maybe smiles a little lesser, but hes still a nice person i swear!" the female claims to everone who warns her. "he acts different around me, hes really friendly and nice!" 


the three and half years of dating him has slowly taken a toll on her. her friends has left her and no one dared to talk to her. people around her turned away and she only had him. but as human being, everyone needs a social life, which is why (name) brought up the topic of 'breaking up'. but obviously, eddie wasnt happy with the concept of not being able to have his beloved not being his. that was when he proposed that if she could escape the house, the freedom is hers, else she'll just have to die in his hands. 

doors, windows, any possible route to the outside, all shut and laced with shards of glass, minimising her chances. in moments like this, living away from the city wasnt a good thing. no one would hear her scream, no one would suspect her absence. 

(name)'s head was throbbing, having being knocked out for eddie's convenience of setting up everything. running wasnt a long term option, but hiding has it chances. as she stumbled her way into the guest bedroom near the backdoor, she set herself behind the closet that she barely managed to squeeze in, hand over her mouth to muffle her panting. the closet was fixed to the ground and the celling, making it safer than hiding under the bed or inside the closet. 

suddenly, a small ray of sunlight pierced the curtain on the opposite end of the room. the window... it doesnt have window grills. but as quickly as the hope came to her, it faded as she heard footsteps approaching. "the window is open, run and you'll make it!" eddie hummed in a mocking tone. she dashed, going as fast as her exhausted legs could take her. one step, two step, and another, freedom was fast approaching. just as she reached the window, she yelled, but screeches of pain replaced what was supposed to be a cry of freedom as the yandere male dug a shard into her back.

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