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dear grant,

i miss your warm hugs
when will i be able to feel them again?



dear grant,

i saw you at the mall today,
but i was unsure if you'd want to see me
so i've decided to not approach you



dear grant,

i stayed up all night thinking about you,
it makes me wonder
if i was on your mind as much as you are in mine



dear grant,

i watched one of your videos today,
and you said you were taken
i should be happy for you,
shouldnt i?
but why am i feeling this tight feeling in my chest?



dear grant,

i saw you at the mall again today,
you were with her
she looked really happy,
and so do you

if she was me instead,
would the smile on your face be as bright?



dear grant,

coincidentally i found out gabby was an old acquaintance,
and her boyfriend is one of the guys in your group

he introduced you to me,
as if we've never met before



dear grant,

today's gameing session was fun with you and the other guys,
but why were you acting like we've never known?

i could tell that you remember me,
but why are you acting this way?



dear grant,

i told gabby about us,
she told me to get over you,
actually everyone does

as much as i act like it,
my hearts says otherwise



dear grant,

you told me you loved me,
you shouldn't say that when you're with her

i was moving on from you but your words made me crumble
but i know,
it's impossible between us



dear grant,

i have finally moved on,
not really though,
i've just accepted that there's nothing left between us
since that day you walked out

thank you, for loving me though

yours truly,


dear (name),

i thought you looked happier without me
i saw you at the mall that day,
but you didn't approach me,
i'd thought you'd forgotten me

i was happy with her,
but she isn't you,
and i felt like something was missing

it was wrong on my side to think that you were easily replaceable,

but thank you for loving me despite all i've done



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