yandere! juicy

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"hey why not come over to my place?" juicy suggested as he followed (name) around as she looked at the various VR headsets. she had dragged gaege along as she thought the famous vr youtuber would have suggestions for which headset she could get. "you could try out my headset, and maybe then decide." he said as he pulled (name) by the arm, smirking. and soon, (name) was in the passenger seat of juicy's car on the way to his house.


"wow! get a load of this ass!" (name) yelled as she tried on a horror game. "maybe not so aggressive there, princess." juicy teased. he enjoyed watching (name) squirm with unease under all his teasings. however unknown to her, juicy has locked his doors while she was absorbed with the game. he has also took her phone, shut it down, and chucked it in the trash bin.

when she has finally finished the game, she took off the headset only to realise her phone was missing, and juicy was nowhere to be seen. "gaege! where's my phone?" she asked as she trashed around his room. she got no reply. "gaege gibson! juicy fruit snacks!" she called out. still no reply. she made her way to the door but as she turned the handle, panic started to rise. she turned the handle a few more times before realising that it was in fact, locked. she knocked multiple times on the door yelling, hoping for someone to find her, but to no avail.

suddenly, the door cracked opened and juicy walked in, a psychotic smile plastered on his face. "g-gaege? is e-everything fine?" she stuttered. he locked the doors once again and slowly made his way towards (name). "i-i'll be making my lea-" "leave? who said i allowed you to leave?" his eyes widened as he aggressively grabbed onto her wrist, pulling her towards him. "do you know how much i hate...no... how much i DESPISE it, when those sons of bitches lay their eyes on you?" he raised his voice, causing (name) to cower in fear. "but no worries now, my princess. there only you and i left." juicy had his head tilted as he stepped closer and closer to (name), cornering her. "what's happening i-i was just here to play a game i-"

"you know, (name), from the start since we've met," he said as he leaned closer to (name), taking a deep breath, causing her to fall onto his chair. "there's nothing i want more than to have you be mine... and mine only." his voice was shaky, but the look on his face was... pure insanity. "you wanna know what happened to those pieces of shits who told me that you looked amazing today?" he paused and laughed. "i had to gouge out their eyes!" he yelled, a smile apparent on his face. (name) sat in the chair, trembling as juicy bent down, his face inches away from hers. a million thoughts were running through (name)'s mind as she fearfully looked into juicy's eyes. tears were brimming her eyes as she remembered how he used to teasingly bear hugged her when she wasn't in her best mood, how he used to pat her head, telling her everything was alright when people were being mean to her... but now the one who used to protect her from everything, was the most dangerous one?

"g-gaege why... why are you doing this?" she held her trembling hands out and put them on his cheeks. "you didn't... have to go to this extent..." she cried. she tried to hug him but was cut off by juicy abruptly standing up, laughing psychotically. "i can't stand it anymore, (name)! i want you! just mine!" his words are becoming incoherent at how agitated he was. (name) didn't know what to do. she was convinced all along that he was just like any normal person. she imagined falling in love and going out on dates with him... but not the 'him' that stood infront of her. the gaege gibson that she had crushed on, was never existent. it was all a mask to cover up this mass of insanity.

"y-you could be more gentle, y'know." (name) forced a smile as she tried to calm him down, despite knowing it being impossible. "gentle? being gentle got me nowhere! all that time all you did was walk around, not caring that others were looking dreamily at you... and you want me to be gentle? you've lost your mind, my dear (name)." he walked towards the female, caressing her cheek with his hand, smile on his face. as (name) backed away, juicy shoved her, sending her towards the wall. the impact caused her to pass out, and fall limp. "you're never leaving me, my dear." he whispered into her ear.

yeptheboys x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora