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I don't know why I did it

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I don't know why I did it.

The fact that my friends are always nagging me about being 'gay' or the fact that I'm drunk. Probably both.

I sit and watch by buddies for a few seconds longer to come up with a plan.

"Dude you're so wasted!" Jayce says to Dayton.

"I'm not! I'm barely even drank!" Dayton messes up the sentence.

He can't even say a simple sentence correctly.

"I bet you can say the words 'British constitution'" Levi's challenges him "that's one of the hardest words to say when drunk." He adds.

"Well good thing I'm not drunk then!" Dayton slurs.

"Brittt....britshhh..britilan constitties...tittes? Hey, I looouveee tittes!" Dayton says proving Levi's point of him being so wasted he can hardly say certain words.

A girl passes by the couch and Daytona eyes almost pop out of his head at the sight of her. He'll definitely be going after her later on.

"You gonna go talk to her?" Levi says to me semi-quietly to prevent the guys from hearing.

"I don't know man. I'm not into all this 'using girls' shit." I tell Levi.

Dayton overhears our conversation and gets in the middle of it.

"You're such a pussy....just like the kitty cats! Just go talk to him...wait I mean her!" Dayton says with his words all over the place.

He really is trashed. He probably will be passing out any moment now. I think that last part was to make fun of me though.

"It's stupid." I say.

"You already agreed, now you have to do it. Plus I'll throw in 50 bucks." Jayce says.

"Me too." Noah agrees.

"I'll throw in like...a thousand!" Dayton says.

I have some stupid friends. This isn't the best idea but if it will prove to them that I'm not gay, I guess I'll do it.

"Fine." I say and get up from my group of friends.

I go back to the drink table and get another drink. I let my eyes search the room for the red headed girl.

I spot her over with some girls at the couch I was sitting at the beginning of the party. I confidently stride over there but you can probably tell that I don't do this much.

"Hey." I say and smile at her.

She looks at me and rolls her eyes. What did I do? My hearts about to beat out of my damn chest.

"I don't want to go upstairs with you." She says and turns back to her friends.

Did I just get stereotyped the hell out of? I think I did; that kind of hurt.

"Oh. I'm not one of those guys." I say trying to continue the conversation.

"That's what 'one of those guys' would say."

Well damn. I think I just got rejected. What do I do now? I'm not good at this...at all. I don't want my stupid friends to tell me that they proved me wrong.

"Let me prove it to you." I say.

"No, I'm good." She says and walks away.

Well geez. Now I have to go back and let my friends make fun of the way I just got rejected. Where did she go anyways? I see her over at the drink table. I need another drink, I have no idea where mine went. I'm not that drunk am I?

"I told you to stay away from me." The girl says as I reach the drink table.

"Chill. I'm getting another drinkity drink." I say.

Did I just say drinkity drink? How many drinks have I had?

"Oh, my bad." She says and her face blushes. "Although, I don't think you need anymore drinks; you look pretty tipsy." She tells me.

"Well, you might be very beautiful, but I don't take orders, from anyone. Except my mommy."

What the hell is wrong with me? I need to find my filter, I must've dropped it somewhere around this damned house.

The girl giggles. The most poetic and beautiful sound I've ever heard before. Poetic? Oh god, I'm turning into a girl. Maybe I am gay...

"I think you just proved my point." She says.

"Did I prove my point yet? I'm obviously not gonna have sex with you." I tell her.

"No. I don't mess with guys, especially like you."

"What are you, lesbian?"

"What are you, gay?" She mocks me.

Ouch, that one hurt.

"My friends sure do think so. But my dick says otherwise." I tell her.

Oh god. Someone please return my filter. The girl snorts at my response.

"My name is...is" what's my name again? I know it starts with a b "Breckie..shit, I mean brecken." I slur out to the beautiful girl standing in front of me.

"Lyla." She shortly says.

"I've never...never seen you here before." I say, losing my thought mid sentence.

"I just moved here." She explains.

"That's amazing!" I say and throw my hands up into the air.

My drink tips over and spills onto a guy that was passing by me. Well I might just get myself killed tonight.

"My baaaad." I say.

The guy just rolls his eyes and walks away. I swore he was gonna kill me for a second there.

"Why did you think that I was gonta have sex with yous anyways?" I ask her.

"You just seem like the type." She says and smiles.

"Well I'm fat..shit..far from that type." I try to say. "I'm not good at talking."

I can't even hardly form a full sentence now. Someone should've stopped me at my first drink.

"Probably because you're half way to passing out by now. Seriously, you're trashed." She says.

"How dare you call me thrash?" I ask her.

"I didn't call you thrashed, I called you trashed." She says and laughs.

Man I'm really fucked up. But I'm gonna win this competition.
Sorry for another short chapter! By the way the misspelled words in this chapter and misspelled for a reason! I've never been drunk before obviously ahah. vote⭐️ and comment!

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