Scraping the dogged end

Start from the beginning

"Oh, and there's the shop my father used to own, when he was still making jewelry," Sil points out as they meander down the crowded sidewalk. "His hands are too shaky these days. He still does it as a hobby though. Anyway, now the shop is owned by some woman who sells...well," Sil pauses, looking a little embarrassed. It's pretty clear what the woman sells, if the displays in the window are any indication. Finnick takes one look at the shameless display of lingerie and the array of much darker objects and holds his breath. Somehow he manages to slip on a flirty smile, but suddenly all he can think about are hotel rooms and the life waiting for him back in the Capitol.

Sil tightens her grasp around his upper arm and draws him quickly back to the present, as if she knows where his thoughts are and doesn't want him to dwell on them. He's actually grateful when she changes the topic to something actually worthwhile (or at least has nothing to do with clothes shopping or finding the perfect pair of shoes).

"The Factory is up ahead," she tells him, quickening their pace and passing the questionable shop like it's contaminated. "It's rather amazing. The mechanics of it are – " she pauses, halting her words before she can say any more about a subject that she shouldn't care about. Silver Lamprey Cornelius would never bother learning about something mechanical. But for some reason, it's so easy to talk to Finnick as her real self and not her alter ego. He just brings it out of her.

He sends her a raised eyebrow and slowly drawls, "...The mechanics? What would you know about that? And what is the Factory, anyway?" The doubt in his voice is tangible and Sil gives a trilling laugh that she hopes doesn't sound as nervous as the rest of her feels.

"Ah...the Factory is the biggest structure in District 1, my love. The things they create there are shipped off to the Capitol. The Capitol sends orders every week, you see, and the workers set up the machinery based on what the Capitol wants. Each machine can be used for different things – there's even a diamond cutting machine that can also cut fabrics and paper and wood, if the settings are changed. And – " she trails off when she sees the surprised expression on Finnick's face. "Ah. I won't bore you," she says with an embarrassed smile.

But Finnick just laughs and insists, "No! I mean, please continue. It's odd hearing you talk about things like this." And strangely fascinating.

Sil grins at him and, as she drags him down the sidewalk, regales him with how the Factory operates and what sort of things it produces. She even makes mention of how much District 1 relies on it, and on the Capitol's inflow of money. "It's very important," she says, "without it, the district would be destitute."

Finnick hums. The Factory looms above them, spiraling high into the sky. It is a sight to behold, and the thought of Sil actually being aware of how it works definitely gives him something to think about. Gemma's words from last night suddenly echo through his mind as they walk down the sunny street.

"Silver is fluent in two Old Languages and has been the sole proprietor of the estate for several years now."

Huh. Well, he still has his doubts about her being fluent in two Old languages and actually having mathematical talents, but perhaps she isn't completely stupid. Clearly she's aware of how her district operates. Then again, it's probably something everyone learns in school here. He had to take mandatory marine studies classes throughout his own education in District 4. It would make sense for people here to learn about how their economy caters to the Capitol. And as for the inner workings of the Factory, surely they'd gone over that in class too. It's such a huge source of income for District 1 after all.

"Are you hungry?" Sil wonders, pausing in front of a bakery. She stares for a moment at a very chocolaty looking pastry and Finnick chuckles.

"I'm starting to think you're obsessed with chocolate, sugar," he jokes, "I guess my nickname fits you pretty well."

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