Chapter 5

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Justin Truedeau's POV

Awaking from my nap, I feel a large hand on my shoulder. I open my eyes to see a pair of bright blue eyes gazing into mine. Emmanuel. Oh those gorgeous eyes.

"We're gonna land in a couple of minutes honey. You should probably buckle up." he said. It seems like he had just woken up as well. His light brown hair was messily sticking up everywhere.

I reached up a hand and put a piece in its place. Manu chuckled then went back to his seat.

I sat up, positioning my body properly then buckled my seatbelt. I looked at the small window right next to me, I could see the gorgeous city, Beirut.

I'd love to see it in person, it looked breathtaking in the pictures.

I slid my hand across the armrest of my seat, interlacing it with Manu's warm hand. I love him. I could see him break into a grin.

I pulled out my phone and began browsing through my previous search, restaurants in Beirut.

It seems like Hamra and Gemmayze have a lot of good restaurants. There's one specific restaurant in Gemmayze called Swiss Butter. Their food looks so appetising.

I'm planning on inviting Manu out to dinner once we have some time, it'll be our first proper date.

"Attention à tous les passagers. We will begin the proccess of landing." The pilot's voice echoed through the plane.

I could feel the plane slowly descend, till we finally hit the runway of Beirut's Airport.

The plane came to a stop as we grabbed our stuff and got up. I let go off Manu's hand, since he had to get Hulk's leash.

After a couple of minutes, the door opened. We stepped out of the plane onto the stairs. Hulk was obidiently following us.

As soon as we got out, an unpleasant smell hit my nose. Oh god what a nice welcome. "You'll get used to it, it's the smell of a local landfill." said Manu with a chuckle.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, an old lady was waiting at the bottom. She pulled Manu into a tight hug, he did the same.

She looked at me and grinned. "Oh! You must be Justin. I've heard so much about you from my sweet Emmanuel. I'm Fairouz. " she said. I reached my hand out to shake hers, she ignored that and hugged me tightly. I could barely breathe.

She let go of me and lead us into the airport. It was definitely much smaller than what I'm used to.

Going through customs and security went smoothly. They were already informed of our presence.

"Oh my god I'm so sore today." I said, groaning. Fairouz turned to Manu with a smirk. "It's not what you think it is. We went to a trampoline center yesterday." Manu replied, chuckling.


Alright well that's it for this chapter. Expect an update very soon! I apologise for the long absence, I was really busy. I'll be getting back to writing regularly!
Leave your suggestions and requests in the comments! :)

A Chance At Love- Macdeau MLM Fan Fiction [Temporarily Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now