I scream on my knees as we all split apart. I gasp and look up. "Bella!" My family yells. I swing my head back so my hair falls on my back as I was still on my hands and knees, I stare up at Aro. "Wasn't so fun?" I ask laughing. He growls and I growl back. They reatach his arm.

"We are leaving now Aro. Make your guards let go of my family." I say looking at him. I stood up and wobble but catching myself. He glares at me and I glare back. He moves his head and I look back and see the guards letting go of my family. Major roars and pushes Aro against the wall in a split second. I walk over and put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't you ever take her away again, or I won't hesitate to kill you!" He shouts. We all then leave.

We get in a flight and I quickly wash up at a hotel and change then we head back home. When we get there Carlisle and Esme gets Liam and Logan. When they come home they hug me. They go and play, "Guys I need to tell you all something." I say they all look at me. I clear my throat and tell them about my latest visit with my mother. They all were shocked to say the least. "So, the end of the world may possibly happen in the next 2 years?" Vivienne asks. I nod. "Yea and apparently Logan and Liam are growing quicker and quicker in 2 years they will look to be 17-18 years old instead of looking like they are 10 like they are supposed to, my mom had to speed up their childhood or else I die if they don't help in this fight."

"They will have mastered their powers by then too." I say again. I wipe a few stray tears. "They deserve a normal childhood." I say shaking my head. Edward puts his arm around my shoulder and hugs me.

Logan and Liam walk back in 2 hours later. "Mom we are hungry." Liam yells I look at him and gasp, I guess it was true, they were 7 now, in less then 2 hours instead of 5. "Ok. Come on kids." I walk in the kitchen and they follow. "Mom why are we growing faster then we should?" Logan asks, "I will tell you when you both are older sweetie." He nods smiling. "So how about strawberries and chocolate syrup?" I ask, they both smile. "Yea!" I smile and start getting the strawberries out, I cut them and throw them in a bowl then I pour chocolate syrup over them.

I walk out to the living room. "Vivienne want some strawberries and chocolate syrup?" "Yes!" She jumps off the couch and almost falls but then regains her balance and runs in the kitchen past me. I giggle and walk in eating them with Vivienne and my boys. Once we are done I wash the dishes. I then walk out on the couch. I sit down and play my phone till Logan and Liam run out and hop on the couch next to me. Logan was on my right and Liam on my left. They both lay their head on my shoulders. I smile and kiss each of their heads.

"Mommy can we go to school? Public school?" Liam asks all of a sudden. I almost spit out my water. I look at my family, "Your their mother." Carlisle says, they all leave the living room. "I hate you all!" I yell. "Love you too Bella-Boo." Emmett hollars. "I don't know you both grow to fast let's see how you both are by the end of summer ok?" They nod and get up and leave. I sigh, Alice comes down, "They can go to high school, they will be Freshmen." Alice says I look at her and glare she quickly leaves.

I lay on the couch and start thinking. My wedding was soon and we needed to move somewhere else to not raise suspicion. I was thinking maybe we could move maybe to Alaska near our cousins the Denali's I haven't seen them since I was 8 years old. I hmm, yes maybe we could go there for a while. I smile and close my eyes, falling asleep.

A few weeks later it is the night before my wedding. I was in my room, with Edward. I wouldn't see him till tomorrow at noon when I walked down that isle. He kisses me softly and wrapped his arms around my waist. I had mine around his neck. I pulled back and hugged him tightly. "Your boys will be in here with you and the girls will be downstairs, ok?" I nod. He kisses my forehead and I close my eyes. Then the door opened and Ronnie, Carlisle, Emmett, and Jasper were there.

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