ELEVEN: School Festival

Start from the beginning

I glanced over at Aizawa when they were out of sight, finding him staring at me. "What?"


"Okay, so what's next? They have some good food stands, I think there's some games too"

"Why don't we just wander around," he suggests.

"That works too"

He started walking, but when I followed after him I was behind, contemplating what I wanted to eat. He took my hand, pulling me with him so I'd get moving. When I caught up and was walking beside him he kept a hold of my hand, not letting go. I smiled but didn't say anything, gladly keeping his hand in mine.

I spent the rest of the day with him, mostly eating food since he wasn't interested in any of the games. Then we met outside the school with Midoriya, Togata and Eri.

"Thanks for coming today, I loved it," Midoriya told Eri. "One more thing, got a surprise for ya"

He held out a candy apple to her, shocking Togata. "A candy apple? From where?" He questions. "I couldn't find any"

"I didn't see that anyone was gonna be selling them, so I bought ingredients when I went out this morning. It was easier to make than I thought it'd be. The only thing I couldn't get at the store was food colouring, but Sato had plenty"

"It's getting late, but you two should be able to see her again soon," Aizawa tells them.

Eri took a bite of the apple, smiling happily. "It's the best thing ever"

I smiled, happy to see she was happy, and we left to bring her back to the hospital where she's been staying. Then we went back to the dorms, getting dropped off at the school so we could walk around to the dorms.

"What's going to happen to her?" I ask. "She doesn't have any parents. She can't be left on her own, she's too young"

"I don't know"

"Well, then, I-I'll adopt her. I'll help her learn how to get control over her quirk, and then Togata can get his quirk back"

"Tamira, don't rush ahead. For now, she's moving into the teacher dorms, where we can keep an eye on her"


"I know you feel guilty about what happened to Togata, but he chose to do that himself"

"All I want is to help train Eri, so she doesn't have to be afraid of her quirk, and so Togata and maybe even everyone else affected by the drug can get their quirks back. I just want to help"

"You can't push yourself too far. They may have let you out of the hospital but you're still not 100%, I can see it in your eyes that it still hurts"

"My wounds are starting to scar over, but they're still there, even if it's just barely. Of course it's going to hurt, but I'll push through the pain, because there's things to do"

He sighed. "What am I going to do with you?"

A couple more days passed, the excitement from the school festival fading away. Eri moved into the dorms and had gotten all settled in to her new room.

I was walking back to my room after eating my late night snack, it was already pretty late so I was trying to be as quiet as possible. I stopped when I head a small scream from in one of the rooms, it came from Eri's room. Slowly, I peeked my head into her room, finding her sitting up in her bed, tears falling from her eyes.

"Eri? Are you okay?" I ask, walking over to her.

"I-I had a nightmare," she tells me.

I sat down on the edge of the bed. "Did you want me to stay with you?"

She nodded, using her hands to wipe away her tears. She moved over and I got in the bed, leaning my back against the wall. I held my arms open and she laid against me, letting me wrap my arms around her. She quickly fell back asleep, and soon I fell asleep with her.

I woke up in the same spot, Eri peacefully sleeping in my arms. Aizawa was standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame, his arms crossed, a small smile on his face.

I slowly moved away from Eri, laying her down on the bed, then I moved towards Aizawa, yawning. "Why are you just standing there?" I mumble.

I moved past him and he quietly shut the door, following after me down the hallway. "You'd make a good mother," he tells me.

I blushed at the compliment and went into my own room. "I'm going back to sleep," I grumble.

"She'd be lucky to you have you as her mom," I heard him say before the door shut completely.

I leaned back against the door, my face burning at his comment. It sounded very much like a compliment, but it was a compliment I didn't know how to respond to.

I know I had offered to become her mother, but hearing something like that from the man I loved, it just seemed a little odd. It made me think of what it'd be like to start a family with him.

Someone knocked on the door. I ignored it, hoping they'd go away, but then they knocked again. I sighed and stood up straight, opening the door. Aizawa was still standing there, and when I opened my door he stepped inside.

"Make sure you actually get some sleep," he tells me.

"Me? I should be telling you that, you're the one sleeping in the middle of classes"

He chuckled and took another step closer to me, shutting the door behind him. His thumb brushed my lips, his pointer finger bent under my chin as he guided my head back. I was quiet, unable to do anything but stare at him.

He pressed his lips to mine softly, and I let my eyes shut. But then he pulled away and opened the door again, turning to say something to me before leaving.


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