Trollzart x Pop troll! Reader

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Ever since you heard the sound of the keys on a piano for the first time as a baby, you fell in love with Classical music. You loved it so much, you were caught eating sheet music for it a few times. At the time, you didn't know that music that was specifically just pianos, violins, violas, etc, was called classical, so you kept it to yourself your entire life. You taught yourself how to play each instrument and kept pushing yourself to and past your limits to learn how to play. Your true talent and passion was and always would be, the piano. The moment you felt the keys under your fingers and the music reached your ears, you were whisked away and became lost in each note that you played straight from your heart. It wasn't until Barb's world tour that you learned what Classical music was. That was when it all began to make sense to you. You obviously had a strong bond with Classical just like one of your ancestors had. You would've gone to Symphonyville instantly if it hadn't been for King Peppy encouraging everyone to run and hide and Barb showing up and caging everyone. Afterwards though, as you were doing your part to rebuild the village, OTHER GENRES INCLUDING CLASSICAL SHOWED UP TO HELP OUT!!! Some trolls from each genre brought their construction and architect skills where they were needed to help out. You met a few of the Classical trolls and created a strong bond with them very quickly. You fortunately found your piano still in one piece and showed off your skills. They asked you if you could play any other instruments, you showed off how well you could play all the string instruments. It was percussion and woodwind instruments that you hadn't had much experience with, but they were still very impressed. You all had your own mini-concerts a few times during breaks. Lets just say you were living in a luxury Classical + Pop themed treehouse after all the building was over. You built a bit of a reputation and it ended up with Trollzart himself sending an invitation to a ball. His best musicians would be performing for them. You'd met several Classical trolls already, but the LITTLE ADORABLE MARSHMALLOW CONDUCTOR HANDWROTE AN INVITATION  HIMSELF OMG! You were ecstatic and Poppy and the rest of the Snack Pack knew there was no way they could leave without you. Some trolls from the other tribes came to the ball as well and recognized you. You talked with them for a short amount of time before they went back to doing something else. You ended up wandering off before the performance and found yourself in a room filled with Classical instruments. Then you saw a beautiful grand piano in the middle of the room. You walked over to it and gently brushed your fingers across the keys. Your piano at home was beautiful, but it couldn't compare to this. You looked around and realized the room wasn't that big. And you were the only one you sat down and started playing a song. The first song you could think of from the top of your head was "Love Waltz". You realized it was a dumb idea after you started playing it. It was supposed to be a duet dammit! And now here you were, playing one half of it by yourself. You were so busy being angry at yourself, you didn't notice the marshmallow himself enter the room. He looked like he wanted to say something, but held back. He saw the frustration clear on your face and decided to join you. He easily picked up the other half of the duet you were missing and smoothly played the piano with you. To say you were surprised would be an understatement. You kept your cool and continued playing, the frustration completely melting away as both of you played in sync. You blushed a little when you realized how close Trollzart was. And the fact that he didn't hesitate to play a love duet with you made your heart flutter. You played beautifully together until the song was finally over.
"H-Hi. I'm (Y/N)." You stuttered nervously and held out your hand.
"Oh! So you're the pop troll I've heard so much about." Trollzart kissed your hand. "My people have said many great things about you. They do truly admire you."
"Well, I do truly admire Classical music. I always have since I was very young." You told him.
"Well, you have proven that all the things my people have said about you weren't all just talk, so will you perform for the ball tonight, with me?" He asked you.
"Oh my! Absolutely! I would be honoured." You gave a little curtsy. Trollzart chuckled.
"There's no need to be to formal. You can consider me as one of your friends. Oh my goodness! The show is about to start, we must hurry!" Trollzart still held your hand and led you back to the ball. You ended up playing the piano amonst the rest of the Classical trolls. There hadn't been anyone there before, so it was a last minute addition, and a good one at that. You could tell from the other Classical troll's faces that your additional piano playing made the performance even better than it had sounded during rehearsals. For the last performance of the night, instead of conducting, Trollzart sat down at the piano next to you.
"Would you like to play that duet again, (Y/N)?" Trollzart asked you. You nodded.
"Absolutely." You both played the duet again, becoming lost in the music as you two played in perfect sync. Your fingers flew across the keys and it felt like nobody else was there...except him. You always loved the feeling of nothing else but you and music when you played, but you loved it even more with him by your side. Once the song was finished, the crowd erupted and applauded you two. Trollzart thanked everyone for coming to the ball as they left and grabbed your hand right before you could leave.
"(Y/N), I had an absolutely wonderful time with you tonight. It was a truly beautiful experience. I hope you'll visit us again soon." Trollzart said and kissed your hand once more.
"Of course I'll be coming back. I played the piano my entire life, but tonight was by far the best time I have ever had." You blushed.
"I'm happy to here that." Trollzart said. You gathered up the courage to kiss him on the cheek.
"Until we meet again, sparkly marshmallow." You smiled and ran towards your friends, barely containing your squeals. Trollzart was frozen in place, blushing.

The next day, you received a letter.

"Dear (Y/N), I have been teaching the children here how to play all the different instruments of Classical in hopes that they'll find the right one for them, but a few struggle greatly to learn the piano. I was hoping you could maybe help to teach them, they really want to meet you.
Sincerely, Sparkly Marshmallow."

You laughed and gathered up some sheet music for basic songs and your favorite pieces. You wasted no time in deciding to visit every thursday to teach the kids, and spend the weekends with Sparkly Marshmallow.

Yes the Classical trolls are all fluffy marshmallows and nobody can make me think otherwise.

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