eight - soulmates

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missy pov.

rewind and i sat next to each other as we both sat down at the dinner table.
i noticed my sister not at the table yet.

"hey wheres y/n" i asked the others but mostly wild card.
"she went to take a bath." wild card replied i notcied that he looked like he was deep in thought.

"hey whats up?" i ask him getting the others attention.

"i need your guys help." he said looking at us all.
we all nodded along with abuela as he told us his plan.

i felt slightly protective of my little sister since i dont really trust wild card that much yet but i remembered saying to myself that i will get those two together no matter what. and an amazon always stays true to her word.

but i will try and trust him. for y/n..

a few seconds after listening to his plan we all agreed and smirked at the blushing boy.

"hey guys!" y/n said smiling, entering the room and taking a seat next to wild card who was still blushing.
"hey" we all replied simultaneously.
she looked at us confused but just started eating.

abuela pov.

after wild card told us his plan i smirked and agreed to help.

i noticed missy looking slightly annoyed but agreed.
i know how overprotective missy gets when it comes to her sister.

after we all agreed to the young boys plan y/n entered the room and sat down beside wild card.
"hey guys!" she said.
"hey" the kids all said at the same time.

she looked puzzled but just started eating.
i shook my head and chuckled then taking a sip of my water.

i looked at my two beautiful grand daughters then at their love interests.
ahhh they grow up so fast..
but those boys better treat my babies right or else.

y/n pov.

after dinner we all started walking back to our assigned bedrooms.
"goodnight guys!" i said then closing the door after hearing them all say goodnight back.

abuela pov.

after cleaning up i went to check on the children.

i first checked ojo and guppys room and seeing them both fast asleep.
i checked the other rooms and saw all of the children asleep.

then i got to the last two rooms.
missy and rewinds bedroom and wild card and y/n's bedroom.

i went to check on rewind and missy first.
i opened the door and saw them both cuddled up while reading.

"abuela!" missy and rewind exclaimed looking shocked.
"you children better sleep soon." i chuckled while shaking my head.
"we have a busy day tommorow." i continued smirking at the two.

"yes abuela" missy said as rewind nodded.
"goodnight you two. dont do anything i wouldnt do." i said smirking again then blowing a blushing missy a kiss.
"night abuela" they both said blushing.
missy blew me a kiss before i closed their door.

i looked at y/n's bedroom door and opened it seeing y/n and wild card all cuddled up sleeping peacefully.
i smirked at the two knowing that they are meant to be.

"soulmates" i whispered softly. i walked up to y/n's side and then kissed her forehead and muttered a goodnight.
i closed their door then smiled and walked back upstairs to go to bed.

Powerful Together // Wild Card x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang