five - getting to know each other

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y/n pov.

"let me show you your rooms first." abuela said as she led us downstairs.

we we got downstairs we saw 6 bedrooms, 2 of them are mine and missys and the rest are guest bedrooms.

"y/n and wild card you two will be staying in y/n's bedroom." abuela said pointing to my bedroom door that has my name infront of it. the others smirked at me and wild card as we both looked at each other and blushed.

"and missy and rewind you guys will be staying in missys bedroom together." abuela continued pointing to missys bedroom. wild card and i smirked at the two blushing teens along with the others.

"ojo and guppy you two will be staying in that room over there." abuela said pointing to the door on the left.

"slo mo and face maker over there in that bedroom" she continued pointing the the room next to ojo and guppy's bedroom.

" fast forward and a capella you two will be staying in the bedroom" she said pointing the the bedroom across ojo and gup's bedroom.

"and lastly wheels and noodles next to fast forward and a capella's bedroom." abuela finished pointing to the room beside fast forward and a capella's.

we all nodded and walked to our assigned bedrooms.

wild card pov.

"hey" i said to y/n as she walked into the bedroom and closed the door.
"hi" she said walking towards me as i sat down on her bed.

"lets get to know each other more." she said looking at me.
"sure" i laughed as my cheeks started to turn red.

"ok uhh.. favorite colour?" she asked.
"black. favorite flower?" i smirked as i saw her cheeks turn red again.
"daisies" she answered smiling at me.

"favorite power of yours?" she continued.
i looked at her and answered all of them and smirked.

she looked at me and rolled her eyes and giggled.
gosh i love her laugh..

"have you had your first kiss yet?" i asked feeling slightly jealous if she has.
"nope." she answered looking at me.

"well we can change that." i smirked leaning towards her jokingly pretending i was about to kiss her even though i really wanted to.
at the same time i felt very relieved that she hasnt had her first kiss yet since i wanted to be her first kiss.

"hey bud take me on a date first." she giggled pushing my face away blushing slightly.
we both laughed and blushed.

"ok then.. ideal date?" i asked smirking.
"a picnic of course" she chuckled as we both stared at each other blushing as usual.

we continued asking questions and got to know each other more.

as we were talking my mind kept going back to when y/n said take me on a date first.

Powerful Together // Wild Card x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ