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It was noon before they got up for the day , Ashlynn made Rafael brunch before he left for Court but not before Carisi came to stay with her for a couple of hours

While he was there they paid cards watched a few tv shows and ordered in since it was now 7 and both were hunger , Rafael had texted saying that he would be late the case was running behind .

The screen at the door lights up showing a kid holding a bag.
" Sonny I think dinner is here " Ashlynn hollers since He was in the bathroom he had just walked into it . 
" Don't you open that door " he hollers through the door .

Ashlynn rolls her eyes but goes to the door hits the intercom button
" Give me a second I need to grab my money " Ashlynn tells the kid
"Okay Ma'am " he said

Sonny came to the door he opens it while Ashlynn is standing there with the cash to pay
"Here you go thanks for bringing it " Ashlynn tells the kid as they exchange money for food
" Thanks " he said as he turns to leave .

Sonny shuts the door locking it again .

"Let's eat " Ashlynn says with a laugh .

Dividing out the Chinese food between the two of them there was plenty to eat .
Both sat at the bar in the kitchen to eat .

"So what did you do at the Law office you worked at" Sonny asked Ashlynn
" I was a Legal Assistant, I actually took the Bar Exam passed it I can practice law in New York and New Jersey  I majored in Criminal Law and Minored in Corporate Law ,but really want to pursue my dream of being a Photographer not in the media sense more of Families, Wildlife , Nature I have a small portfolio of pictures I have done " Ashlynn tells him
" Show me " he asked
" All right hold on I'll get them " Ashlynn says sliding off the stool and heads to the bedroom to grab the box that held them .

Coming back in she puts the box on the table so she can pull them out .
Laying some of them on the table then pulling the portfolio out .

" God theses are so beautiful you have a talent " Sonny says looking at the ones on the table .

" Thank you " Ashlynn says

The apartment door opens , Sunny pulls Ashlynn behind him hand on his gun
Both breath a sigh of relief when they see it's Rafael

" God you scared the hell out of me " Ashlynn says stepping out from behind Sonny then walking to Rafael she pulls him in for a hug .

Rafael returns Ashlynn's hug kissing her forehead.

" Sorry Ash I didn't mean too , Whats that all on the table " He asked
" Her portfolio of pictures she has done " Sonny said motioning for him to come look .

Rafael went over and looked at the photos they were just beautiful
" I can see that you have an amazing talent " He tells her
" Thank you "
" So what did you two have for dinner " He asked looking over at the bar In the kitchen
"Chinese there is plenty left over have some " Ashlynn tells him.
"I will when I come back I need to go home to grab a suite for tomorrow, Sonny can you stay longer or Do you want to come to my place while I get my things" He asked .

" If you want me to come I will since I haven't been out of the apartment since this morning "
" Okay well let's get going so we can get back Thank you for staying with her today " Rafael says
"It was my pleasure I will warn you she's dangerous at Poker " Sonny says with a grin
" Ha we will have to play again " Ashlynn says laughing .

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