4. Boys don't make me crazy, only he does.

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Julie's POV

After I freed Willie from the horror Caleb put him thru, him and Alex hit it of, Alex saying he will be back for the diner I asked my dad to prepare for us, for all of us. I figured it's time for my dad to finally meet the guys, since now he will be able to see them anyways. Reggie told us he was going to pick Flynn up for diner. How does he even know where she lives? Next thing I know the boys head out, leaving me alone with Luke. Well this is gonna be interesting.

"So are you gonna tell me who is this about? Is it about that Nick boy in your dancing class?" Luke asks slightly irritated.

Luke's POV

I was so nervous, everything depends on the answer she gives me right now. Everything depends on what she tells me right now, because if she says it's about him my world would fall apart.

"No! Why would you think that?" she asks as I could hear a little nervous tone in her voice.

"Because he is the only boy you've talked to us about and the only one I know to be this close with you." I was about to crack, and I was about to crack hard. I felt like I was going to lose my mind if I'm not going to say it right now, I need to know if she feels the same.

"Luke is not about Nick. I honestly hoped you wouldn't see that one, it is very personal and it is about someone, but it doesn't matter who he is. He doesn't exactly feel the same." she says, blushing. I was feeling my blood boiling in my body.

"Who is he Julie?" I ask skeptical if I really wanted to know.

"It doesn't matter!" she says.

"WHY JULIE? TELL ME, YOU'RE NOT HIDING THIS FROM ME, NOT THIS TIME, I NEED TO KNOW!" I raise my voice as I was feeling more and more anxious.


Wait, what did she said? She is in love with me?

"Julie I-" I try to form a proper response to her forced confession.

"Don't worry about it, it was about time you know about it, I just need some time to calm down, see you at the diner." she says as she heads out of the studio, trying to hide her tears. What was is thinking? I basically forced her to confess something she clearly wasn't ready for. I am an idiot!

I was debating on how I should act right now, and I decided after diner i'm gonna apologize and confess my feelings for her. I can't hide this no more, I am over the edge when I am with her and that's something I have never felt before. Her sparkly brown eyes make me shake when they meet mine. It was like magic, I don't know how to explain this, what we have it's more then chemistry, and I hate it when the boys brag about it.

2 hours later the boys and I are ready to go to diner. I honestly don't know what am I supposed to say to Julie, she is the kindest person I have ever known but that doesn't make it any easier. After Julie leads us inside I pull her aside to ask her if we can talk after diner, and she nods her head quietly. After all the things I've put her thru she shouldn't even look at me, I really am the luckiest man semi-alive. Just the thought of it it makes my stomach feel bombed with butterflies, wow they never lied when they said that the love makes you feel alive.

"Hi guys, nice to finally meet you! I am Ray, Julie's dad!" he says as he shakes our hands one by one, first Reggie who almost collapsed when he finally realized he will not have one-sided conversations with Ray anymore, next Alex who was still amazed by the fact that other people can see and now touch us, and then comes me.

"Nice to finally meet you, mister Molina! You have an extremely gifted daughter." I say as I shake his hand and looking at Julie. I can see her face blush and a little smile creeping on her face before she tried to hide it.

"Please call me Ray, it makes me feel younger!" he says with a little laugh. "So who is hungry?" he continues as Reggie says he is starving as he takes a seat between Ray and Alex, then Carlos takes a seat next to Ray as well, Julie sits next to Carlos, so the only place available was next to Julie. And we all know I don't mind it.

Julie's POV

As I realized the only place for Luke to sit was next to me my heart went racing. I look up at him and see his smile wide on his lovely face I realize one thing, boys don't make me crazy, only he does.

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