Part 15

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Jadens POV :)
I was laying in bed on my phone while Nai was in the bathroom getting ready I was texting people ever since we woke up to plan something for her

She walk out grabs her things which made me a little confused why was she in a hurry before she walked out I asked her

Jaden: where are you going?

She just ignored me and walked out huh why is she acting like this did I do something wrong I shrugged it off then I heard her yell bryce's name so she is mad at me great what did I do I always seem to fuck up somehow

I got up and made my way downstairs quietly and overheard her talking to Bryce

Bryce: that sounds fun where's Jaden?
Nai: his room
Bryce: are y'all good your usually all lovey dovey
Nai: ehh I don't know anyway imma go home and tell the girls
Bryce: okay I'll tell the guys do you want Jaden to come?
Nai: I don't care do what you want

So that just confirmed that she is mad god what did I do should I talk to her before she leaves I heard a door close making me snap out of my thoughts dammit I'll just talk to her later I make my way to the kitchen where Bryce is to grab some cereal

Bryce: hey did you do something to Nai?
Jaden: noo at least not that I can think of I asked her where she was going and she completely ignored me
Bryce: she did seem pissed when I brought up your name earlier
Jaden: why though
Bryce: I don't know man talk to her
Jaden: I will it's just that I was planning to do something for her so I was texting people all morning to get it settled
Bryce: did you talk to her at all ya know before you asked her where she was going?
Jaden: uhh.... no

That's when it hit me it seemed like I was ignoring her

Bryce: JADEN she probably thought you were ignoring her
Jaden: shit your right dammit I just wanted to do something special for her
Bryce: seems like ur plan failed
He says laughing I just glare at him
Bryce: sorry sorry
He says putting his hand up in defense
Jaden: what do I do now
Bryce: oh we were going to hang with the group today
Jaden: okay and
Bryce: it was her idea and I asked her if she wanted you to come since she was mad at u and she said do what I want so Jaden your coming and your gonna talk to her okay
Jaden: but-
Bryce: no buts
Jaden: where we going?
Bryce: beach now go get ready
I nod and make my way to my room

~skip to the beach~
Nai's POV
All the girls and I were on our way to the beach we decided to just meet the boys there I really hope Bryce didn't invite Jaden I feel like I'm not ready to talk yet I need space but at the same time I want to see why he was ignoring me I remember when he said that he was different and would never cheat on me but how do I know that for sure how do I know that he hasn't cheated on anyone before

Char: Nai Nai NAI

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear char calling me

Nai: huh what?
Char: we're here come on
She says practically dragging me out oh right let me show you what I'm wearing

Nai: huh what? Char: we're here come on She says practically dragging me out oh right let me show you what I'm wearing

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With an oversized shirt on top

We walk to the beach and we see the boys so we walk towards them I go and hug all of them I was going to hug the last person but I stopped right when I noticed who it was I backed up and was about to go set up my stuff but he grabbed my wrist turn...

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We walk to the beach and we see the boys so we walk towards them I go and hug all of them I was going to hug the last person but I stopped right when I noticed who it was I backed up and was about to go set up my stuff but he grabbed my wrist turning me around
Jaden: Nai please can we just talk
I don't say anything and just look at my feet
Jaden: Nai please let me explain
I nod
Jaden: let's go somewhere and I'll explain there okay?
Nai: okay
He starts walking and I just follow we stop and I look up and see flower petals leading to this cave looking thing
Jaden: come on follow the petals

I smile and keep following the petals and finally stop right by the cave I see a bunch of lights and a projector playing a slide show of pictures of us I feel a tear fall I turn back around and see Jaden holding a present god what did I do to deserve this

Jaden: I know your probably wondering why I wasn't talking to you this morning and this is why I know it was wrong to ignore you and I'm sorry bu-

I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his I pull away and just stare into his eyes

Nai: thanks jay
Jaden: here I got you a little something
I smile and open the gift I unwrap it and see a box I open it and see a ring
Nai: omg it's beautiful
Jaden: I got it for you as a promise ring it was a way for you to know that what ever I promise I will never break and right now I'm promising that I will never keep secrets and I will always be with you forever and never do anything to hurt you I love you nailea so much word can't even explain

I put the ring on and attack him with a hug I whisper in his ear
Nai: I love you more
Jaden: not possible

I laugh then we hear cheering I lift my head up and see all my friends the girls come up and attack me in hugs while the boys cheer Jaden on this was a moment I would love to live in for forever I can't believe I have someone as loving as Jaden and friends that I can trust to go to I never could have asked for more I love all of them with my whole heart I can't wait to make more memories like this one

To be continued...

A/n: hey guys I'm back I will try to update more frequently but I have a lot of school work so I will try my best have an amazing day you are loved  👾

Peace out ✌🏻👁👄👁

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